Submissions from 2023
Herbert Hovenkamp: Distinguishing Harms from Benefits in the 2023 Merger Guidelines, Herbert Hovenkamp
Resetting Section 2, Herbert Hovenkamp
Antitrust Interoperability Remedies, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
Did the Supreme Court Fix “Brown Shoe”?, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
Reclaiming The Antitrust Law Of Potential Competition Mergers, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
The Antitrust Text, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
The Slogans and Goals of Antitrust Law, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
Worker Welfare and Antitrust, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
The Life of Antitrust's Consumer Welfare Model, Herbert J. Hovenkamp and Fiona Scott Morton
What Antitrust Experts Want You to Know About the Amazon Trial, Herbert Hovenkamp, Fiona Scott Morton, Christopher Conlon, and Harry First
A Bad Merger of Process and Substance: Changing the Merger Guidelines and Premerger Review Form, Gus Hurwitz
Chevron and Administrative Antitrust, Redux, Gus Hurwitz
Defamation and Privacy: What You Can't Say About Me, Gus Hurwitz
Noisy Speech Externalities, Gus Hurwitz
Sustaining Journalistic Institutions, Gus Hurwitz
Introduction: Media and Society after Technological Disruption, Gus Hurwitz and Kyle Langvardt
Circumvention of Law and the Hidden Logic Behind It, Leo Katz and Alvaro Sandroni
Gender and Deception: Moral Perceptions and Legal Responses, Gregory Klass and Tess Wilkinson-Ryan
Private Security and Deterrence, Jonathan Klick and John MacDonald
Bibb Balancing: Regulatory Mismatches Under the Dormant Commerce Clause, Michael S. Knoll
Considering tomorrow's patients in today's drug approvals, Emily Largent and Holly Lynch
Access to affordable medicines: obligations of universities and academic medical centers, Emily Largent and Holly Fernandez Lynch
The history of job (in)security: Why private law theory may not save work law, Sophia Z. Lee
Big Mistake: Knowing and Doing Better in Patient Engagement, Holly Lynch
Inclusive, engaged, and accountable institutional review boards, Holly Lynch, Emily E. Anderson, and Ann Johnson
Responding to the Call to Meaningfully Assess Institutional Review Board Effectiveness, Holly Lynch, Elisa A. Hurley, and Holly A. Taylor
Pressing regulatory challenges for psychedelic medicine, Holly Lynch, Amy L. McGuire, Lewis A. Grossman, and I. Glenn Cohen
Extending the US Food and Drug Administration’s Postmarket Authorities, Holly Lynch, Rachel E. Sachs, Sejin Lee, Matthew Herder, Joseph S. Ross, and Reshma Ramachandran
Can Computational Tools Revitalize Antitrust Enforcement?, Giovanna Massarotto
What is Algorithmic Bias and Why Antitrust Agencies Should Care?, Giovanna Massarotto
Pioneers of Precarity, Serena Mayeri
The Intersectional Origins of Modern Feminist Legal Advocacy, Serena Mayeri
Evading a Race-Conscious Constitution, Cara McClellan
When Claims Collide: Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard and the Meaning of Discrimination, Cara McClellan
Policy Dialogue: Racial Segregation in America's Schools, Cara McClellan and Matthew Delmont
Democracy's Bureaucracy: The Complicated Case of Voter Registration Lists, Michael Morse
Donating to the District Attorney, Michael Morse, Carissa Byrne Hessick, and Nathan Pinnell
Advanced Introduction to Substantive Criminal Law, Stephen J. Morse
Criminal Responsibility Reconsidered, Stephen J. Morse
Contracting Around Tort Defaults: The Knock-for-Knock Principle and Accident Costs, Gideon Parchomovsky and Endre Stavang
Startup Failure, Elizabeth Pollman
Business Organizations: A Contemporary Approach, 4th Edition, Elizabeth Pollman and Frank Partnoy
Disabling Travel: Quantifying the Harm of Inaccessible Hotels to Disabled People, Kristen L. Popham, Elizabeth F. Emens, and Jasmine Harris
The Problem with Race-Based Medicine, Dorothy E. Roberts
Why Abolition, Dorothy E. Roberts
American Criminal Law: Its People, Policy & Evolution, Paul H. Robinson and Sarah M. Robinson
Standing Back and Standing Down: Citizen Non-Cooperation and Police Non-Intervention as Causes of Justice Failure and Crime, Paul H. Robinson, Jeffrey Seaman, and Muhammad Sarahne
Beyond Anti-Anti-Orientalism, Or How Not to Study Chinese Law, Teemu Ruskola
Book Review: A Certain Justice: Toward an Ecology of the Chinese Legal Imagination, Teemu Ruskola
The Leveling Axiom, Alvaro Sandroni and Leo Katz
Equal Protection in Dobbs and Beyond: How States Protect Life Inside and Outside of the Abortion Context, Reva Siegel, Serena Mayeri, and Melissa Murray
Cyber Borders: Exercising State Sovereignty Online, Beth Simmons and Rachel Hulvey
Infrastructure and authority at the state’s edge: The Border Crossings of the World dataset, Beth Simmons, Michael R. Kenwick, and Richard J. McAlexander
Allowing the Courts to Step in Where Needed: Applying the PLRA's 90-Day Limit on Preliminary Relief, Catherine T. Struve
After 504: Training the Citizen-Enforcers of Disability Rights, Karen Tani
Judicial Extraterritoriality, Yanbai Wang
Demonstrating Law Library Value Through Mission-Centered Assessment, Amanda Watson, Amanda Karel, Amanda Runyon, and Leslie Street
Rural Energy Justice, Shelley Welton and Conor Harrison
“Why Change?” Monopoly and Competition in the Southeastern U.S. Electricity System, Shelley Welton and Conor Harrison
Fool Proof: How Fear of Playing the Sucker Shapes our Selves and the Social Order -- and What We Can Do About It, Tess Wilkinson-Ryan
Expecting Specific Performance, Tess Wilkinson-Ryan, David Hoffman, and Emily Campbell
Choice of Law and the Federal-State System, Tobias Wolff
Network Slicing and Net Neutrality, Christopher S. Yoo
Optimizing Cybersecurity Risk in Medical Cyber-Physical Devices, Christopher S. Yoo and Bethany Lee
Best Practices for Trying a Section 2 Case, Christopher S. Yoo, Douglas Melamed, John Roberti, and Ian Simmons
Submissions from 2022
What History Can Tell Us About the Future of Insurance and Litigation after COVID-19, Kenneth S. Abraham and Tom Baker
Police Frisks, David S. Abrams, Hanming Fang, and Priyanka Goonetilleke
When in Rome... On Local Norms and Sentencing Decisions, David S. Abrams, Roberto Galbiati, Emeric Henry, and Arnaud Philippe
Influence by Intimidation: Business Lobbying in the Regulatory Process, Alex Acs and Cary Coglianese
A Reply to Our Critics, Larry Alexander and Kimberly Ferzan
Getting Close: Philosophers Engage with Government and NGOs, Anita Allen
Social Monitoring: Is it Social?, Anita Allen
The Discretion of Academic Administrators, Anita Allen
Dismantling the “Black Opticon”: Privacy, Race Equity, and Online Data-Protection Reform, Anita L. Allen
Privacy, Health, and Race Equity in the Digital Age, Anita L. Allen
Insurance and Enterprise: Cyber Insurance for Ransomware, Tom Baker and Anja Shortland
The Government Behind Insurance Governance: Lessons for Ransomware, Tom Baker and Anja Shortland
Nonparty Interests in Contract Law, Omri Ben-Shahar, David A. Hoffman, and Cathy Hwang
Dworkin versus Hart Revisited: The Challenge of Non-Lexical Determination, Mitchell N. Berman
Keeping Our Distinctions Straight: A Response to “Originalism: Standard and Procedure”, Mitchell N. Berman
Negligence and Culpability: Reflections on Alexander and Ferzan, Mitchell N. Berman
Principles of Proportionate Punishment: Comments on John Deigh, From Psychology to Morality: Essays in Ethical Naturalism, Mitchell N. Berman
Virtually Incredible: Rethinking Deference to Demeanor When Assessing Credibility in Asylum Cases Conducted by Video Teleconference, Liz Bradley and Hillary Farber
Duty and Diversity, Chris Brummer and Leo E. Strine Jr.
Realigning the Governance Architecture After COVID-19: City Diplomacy and Multilateral Institutions, William W. Burke-White and Eugenie Birch
Administrative Law: Governing Economic and Social Governance, Cary Coglianese
Building Better Compliance, Cary Coglianese
Confronting Complexity with Regulatory Excellence: Recommendations in the Wake of the Philadelphia Refinery Explosion, Cary Coglianese
Managing the Performance of Regulatory Entities, Cary Coglianese
Moving Toward Personalized Law, Cary Coglianese
Pandemic Federalism, Cary Coglianese
Solving the Congressional Review Act’s Conundrum, Cary Coglianese
From Negative to Positive Algorithm Rights, Cary Coglianese and Kat Hefter
Algorithm vs. Algorithm, Cary Coglianese and Alicia Lai
Antitrust by Algorithm, Cary Coglianese and Alicia Lai
Assessing Automated Administration, Cary Coglianese and Alicia Lai
Assessing the Chinese Communist Party and its Many, Changing Roles, Jacques deLisle
China's Russia/Ukraine Problem, and Why It's Bad for Almost Everyone Else Too, Jacques deLisle
Deterrence Dilemmas and Alliance Dynamics: United States Policy on Cross-Strait Issues and the Implications of the War in Ukraine, Jacques deLisle