Submissions from 2022
Navigating the Identity Thicket: Trademark's Lost Theory of Personality, the Right of Publicity, and Preemption, Jennifer E. Rothman
Criminal procedure: Forms and commentary, David Rudovsky, Leonard Sosnov, and Douglas Frenkel
The Primacy of Electoral Politics and Our Outdated Checks and Balances, Theodore Ruger
Assuring Access to Pro Se Litigants in the Courtroom, Louis S. Rulli and Len Rieser
A Reader’s Guide to Legal Orientalism, Teemu Ruskola
Decarceration's Inside Partners, Seema Saifee
On Market-Based Approaches to the Valuation of Capital, Natasha Sarin and Lawrence H. Summers
Rethinking How We Score Capital Gains Tax Reform, Natasha Sarin, Lawrence Summers, Owen Zidar, and Eric Zwick
A Tale of Two Civil Procedures, Colleen F. Shanahan and Pamela Bookman
The Field of State Civil Courts, Colleen F. Shanahan, Anna E. Carpenter, and Jessica K. Steinberg
Judges in Lawyerless Courts, Colleen F. Shanahan, Anna E. Carpenter, Jessica Steinberg, and Alyx Mark
The Democratic (Il)legitimacy of Assembly-Line Litigation, Colleen F. Shanahan, Jessica Steinberg, Anna E. Carpenter, and Alyx Mark
The Institutional Mismatch of State Civil Courts, Colleen F. Shanahan, Jessica Steinberg, Alyx Mark, and Anna E. Carpenter
Intragovernmental Speech and Sanction, Katherine Shaw
Textualism, Judicial Supremacy, and the Independent State Legislature Theory, Katherine Shaw and Leah Litman
Border Orientation in a Globalizing World, Beth A. Simmons and Michael R. Kenwick
Pretrial Detention and the Value of Liberty, Megan Stevenson and Sandra G. Mayson
The Pennhurst Doctrines and the Lost Disability History of the "New Federalism", Karen Tani
Disability Benefits as Poverty Law: Revisiting the "Disabled State", Karen M. Tani
When Should Governments Invest More in Nudging? Revisiting Benartzi et al. (2017), Avishalom Tor and Jonathan Klick
Pandemic Governance, Yanbai Andrea Wang and Justin Weinstein-Tull
Constructing a Resilient Energy Supply, Shelley Welton
Neutralizing the Atmosphere, Shelley Welton
Grid Reliability Through Clean Energy, Shelley Welton, Alexandra Klass, Joshua Macey, and Hannah Wiseman
A Comment on Colla and Gulati, Cheeky Contracting, Tess Wilkinson-Ryan
Consent Decrees and Federal Jurisdiction, Tobias Wolff
Brief of Professor Tobias B. Wolff as Amicus Curiae in Support of Respondents in U.S. Supreme Court Case 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, Tobias Barrington Wolff
Civil Procedure: Theory and Practice, Tobias Barrington Wolff, Linda Silberman, Allan R. Stein, and Aaron D. Simowitz
Network Effects, Christopher S. Yoo
Community Networks as Models to Address Connectivity Gaps in Underserved Communities, Christopher S. Yoo, Leon Gwaka, and Muge Haseki
Net Neutrality, Network Slicing, and the Deployment of 5G and 6G, Christopher S. Yoo and Tiffany Keung
The Political Dynamics of Legislative Reform: Potential Drivers of the Next Communications Statute, Christopher S. Yoo and Tiffany Keung
Municipal Fiber in the United States: A Financial Assessment, Christopher S. Yoo, Jesse Lambert, and Timothy P. Pfenninger
Submissions from 2021
Presidential Primacy Amidst Democratic Decline, Arshaf Ahmed and Karen Tani
HIPAA at 25 - A Work in Progress, Anita L. Allen
Ideas and Ideals: Honouring Joyce Mitchell Cook, Anita L. Allen
Synthetic Governance, Byung Hyun Anh, Jill E. Fisch, Panos N. Patatoukas, and Steven Davidoff Solomon
Algorithmic Administrative Justice, Steven M. Appel and Cary Coglianese
Uncertainty > Risk: Lessons for Legal Thought from the Insurance Runoff Market, Tom Baker
Insurance Law and Policy: Cases and Materials, Tom Baker, Kyle Logue, and Chaim Saiman
Propertizing Fair Use, Abraham Bell and Gideon Parchomovsky
Procurement as AI Governance, Lavi M. Ben Dor and Cary Coglianese
The Jurisprudence of Sport, Mitchell Berman and Richard Friedman
Blameworthiness, Desert, and Luck, Mitchell N. Berman
Proportionality, Constraint, and Culpability, Mitchell N. Berman
Bostock was Bogus: Textualism, Pluralism, and Title VII, Mitchell N. Berman and Guha Krishnamurthi
Apprendi at 20: Reviving the Jury's Role in Sentencing, Stephanos Bibas
Reconsidering the Evolutionary Erosion Account of Corporate Fiduciary Law, William W. Bratton
Team Production Revisited, William W. Bratton
A New (Republican) Litigation State?, Stephen B. Burbank and Sean Farhang
Class Certification in the U.S. Courts of Appeals: A Longitudinal Study, Stephen B. Burbank and Sean Farhang
Politics, Identity, and Pleading Decisions on the U.S. Courts of Appeals, Stephen B. Burbank and Sean Farhang
Administrative Law in the Automated State, Cary Coglianese
Algorithmic Regulation: Machine Learning as Governance Tool, Cary Coglianese
Regulating New Tech: Problems, Pathways, and People, Cary Coglianese
What Regulators Can Learn from Global Health Governance, Cary Coglianese
AI in Adjudication and Administration, Cary Coglianese and Lavi M. Ben Dor
Contracting for Algorithmic Accountability, Cary Coglianese and Erik Lampmann
Administrative Law in a Time of Crisis: Comparing National Responses to COVID-19, Cary Coglianese and Neysun A. Mahboubi
Compliance Management Systems: Do They Make a Difference?, Cary Coglianese and Jennifer Nash
The Deregulation Deception, Cary Coglianese, Natasha Sarin, and Stuart Shapiro
Uncovering Agencies’ Hidden Unrules, Cary Coglianese, Gabriel Scheffler, and Daniel Walters
Unrules, Cary Coglianese, Gabriel Scheffler, and Daniel Walters
Making Federalism Work: Lessons from Health Care for the Green New Deal, Jesse M. Cross and Shelley Welton
Do ESG Funds Deliver on Their Promises?, Quinn Curtis, Jill E. Fisch, and Adriana Z. Robertson
Did the America Invents Act Change University Technology Transfer?, Cynthia L. Dahl
Taiwan’s Quest for International Space in the Tsai Era: Adapting Old Strategies to New Circumstances, Jacques deLisle
The Chinese Model of Law, China’s Agenda in International Law, and Implications for Democracy in Asia and Beyond, Jacques deLisle
The COVID-19 Pandemic and Geopolitics in the Indo-Pacific: A View from the United States, Jacques deLisle
The Institutum Iurisprudentiae: Multifaceted Perspectives on Law in China, Law and Cross-Strait Issues, and China and International Law, Jacques deLisle
The Rule of Law and Chinese Characteristics, Jacques deLisle
When Rivalry Goes Viral: COVID-19, U.S.-China Relations, and East Asia, Jacques deLisle
When the Fever Breaks?: COVID-19, U.S.-China Relations, and East Asia, Jacques deLisle
Introduction: Change, Continuity, and Challenges for Taiwan in the Tsai Era, Jacques deLisle and June Teufel Dreyer
Rivalry and Security in a New Era for US-China Relations, Jacques deLisle and Avery Goldstein
China’s Response to COVID-19, Jacques deLisle and Shen Kui
U.S.-Taiwan Relations: Continuity and Change in a Triangular Dynamic, Jacques deLisle and Vincent Weie-cheng Wang
Addressing Allyship in a Time of a “Thousand Papercuts”, Rangita de Silva de Alwis
The Changing Landscape of Women's Rights Activism in China, Rangita de Silva de Alwis and Katherine Schroeder
The Changing Landscape of Women’s Rights Activism in China: The Continued Legacy of the Beijing Conference, Rangita de Silva de Alwis and Katherine A. Schroeder
“Time Is A-Wasting”: Making the Case for CEDAW Ratification by the United States, Rangita de Silva de Alwis and Melanne Verveer
The Agent's Problem, Asaf Eckstein and Gideon Parchomovsky
Cesare Beccaria’s Influence on the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention, William Ewald
The ineffectiveness of ‘observe and report’ patrols on crime, Marco Fabbri and Jonathan Klick
Just Say Yes? The Fiduciary Duty Implications of Directorial Acquiescence, Lisa Fairfax
The Shareholder-Stakeholder Alliance: Exposing the Link between Shareholder Power and the Rise of a Corporate Social Purpose, Lisa Fairfax
Curbside Consults in Clinical Medicine: Empirical and Liability Challenges, Eric A. Feldman, Rachel L. Zacharias, Steven Joffe, and Holly Fernandez Lynch
Corporate Law for Good People, Yuval Feldman, Adi Libson, and Gideon Parchomovsky
Punishment, Proportionality, and Aggregation, Kimberly Ferzan
#BelieveWomen and the Presumption of Innocence: Clarifying the Questions for Law and Life, Kimberly Kessler Ferzan
Taking Aim at Pointing Guns? Start with Citizen’s Arrest, Not Stand Your Ground: A Reply to Joseph Blocher, Samuel W. Buell, Jacob D. Charles, and Darrell A.H. Miller, Pointing Guns, 99 Texas L. Rev. 1173 (2021), Kimberly Kessler Ferzan
The Status of State and Nonstate Actors in Postwar Hostilities: Restoring the Rule of Law to US Targeted Killing Operations, Claire Oakes Finkelstein
Can and should Corporations Commit to a Voluntary Carbon Tax?, Jill E. Fisch
Mutual Fund Stewardship and the Empty Voting Problem, Jill E. Fisch
Should Corporations Have a Purpose?, Jill E. Fisch and Steven Davidoff Solomon
The “Value” of a Public Benefit Corporation, Jill E. Fisch and Steven Davidoff Solomon
Power and Statistical Significance in Securities Fraud Litigation, Jill E. Fisch and Jonah B. Gelbach
The Grillo Effect at Thirty, Douglas Frenkel
Deadlines as Behavior in Diplomacy and International Law, Jean Galbraith
From Scope to Process: The Evolution of Checks on Presidential Power in US Foreign Relations Law, Jean Galbraith