Submissions from 2025
Forced Out?: Civil Legal Access and Housing Stability, Maya Buenaventura and Paul Heaton
For Corporate Hypocrisy, Lisa Fairfax
Two Island Stories, Jean Galbraith
Antitrust's Forensic Tools, Herbert Hovenkamp
Market Response to Court Rejection of California's Board Diversity Laws, Jonathan Klick
Reproductive Injustice, Feminist Resistance, and the Uses of History in Constitutional Interpretation, Serena Mayeri
Privacy Violations in Election Results, Michael Morse, Shiro Kuriwaki, and Jeffrey B. Lewis
Financial Innovation: Three Fallacies in the Debate, Saule T. Omarova
Introduction to Hidden Fallacies in Corporate Law and Financial Regulation: Reframing the Mainstream Narratives, Saule T. Omarova and Alexandra Andhov
Hidden Fallacies in Corporate Law and Financial Regulation: Reframing the Mainstream Narratives, Saule T. Omarova, Alexandra Andhov, and Claire Hill
Grading Patents, Gideon Parchomovsky and Roy Baharad
FTX’d: Conflicting Public and Private Interests in Chapter 11, David Skeel and Jonathan C. Lipson
Liberalism’s Last Rights: Disability Inclusion and the Rise of the Cost-Benefit State, Karen Tani
Identifying Fourth Amendment Values: An Evidence-Based Approach, Christopher S. Yoo and Arnav Jagasia
Submissions from 2024
Ordering the Human: The Global Spread of Racial Science, Eram Alam, Dorothy Roberts, and Natalie Shibley
The Dead Unborn, Postmortem Privacy Cases, and Abortion Rights, Anita Allen
Unconditional Love, Some Implications for the Law, Anita Allen
Privacy, Critical Definition and Racial Justice, Anita L. Allen
Improving the Affirmative Disclosure of Agency Legal Materials, Bernard W. Bell, Cary Coglianese, Michael Herz, Margaret Kwoka, and Orly Lobel
Blameworthiness and "Culpability" Are Not Synonymous: A Sympathetic Amendment to Simester, Mitchell N. Berman
How Practices Make Principles, and How Principles Make Rules, Mitchell N. Berman
Chaotic Childhoods, Stephanos Bibas
A History of Corporate Law Federalism in the Twentieth Century, William W. Bratton
Procurement and Artificial Intelligence, Cary Coglianese
Revisiting Bowles' Aphorism, Cary Coglianese
Rule Design: Defining the Regulator–Regulatee Relationship, Cary Coglianese
Enhancing Public Access to Agency Law, Cary Coglianese, Bernard W. Bell, Michael Herz, Margaret Kwoka, and Orly Lobel
AI in the Courts: How Worried Should We Be?, Cary Coglianese, Maura R. Grossman, and Paul W. Grimm
Algorithmic Administration as Constitutional Governance, Cary Coglianese and Orly Lobel
Choice Architecture for Healthier Insurance Decisions: Ordering and Partitioning Together Can Improve Consumer Choice, Benedict G.C. Dellaert, Eric Johnson, Shannon Duncan, and Tom Baker
Achieve Gender Equality and Empower all Women and Girls, Rangita de Silva de Alwis
A Rapidly Shifting Landscape : Why Digitized Violence is the Newest Category of Gender-Based Violence, Rangita de Silva de Alwis
Holding the Taliban Accountable for Gender Persecution: The Search for New Accountability Paradigms under International Human Rights Law, International Criminal Law and Women, Peace, and Security, Rangita de Silva de Alwis
Barring Judicial Review, Laura Dolbow
ESG Hypocrisy and Voluntary Disclosure, Lisa Fairfax
The O.G.: Unmasking Why Governance is the Most Important Component of ESG, Lisa Fairfax
The Perils and Promise of Shareholders as Stakeholder Advocates, Lisa Fairfax
An Overview of Facial Recognition Technology Regulation in the United States, Mailyn Fidler and Gus Hurwitz
The Family Regulation System and Medical-Legal Partnerships, Kara Finck and Susanna Greenberg
Can the Liberty of Subjects Protect Against Tyranny and Corruption in Government?, Claire Finkelstein
When an Indicted Candidate Wins the Presidency: What Happens to The Trials If Donald Trump Wins the Election?, Claire O. Finkelstein and Richard Painter
Overseeing the Administrative State, Jill Fisch
Extending Dual Class Stock: A Proposal, Jill E. Fisch, David J. Berger, and Steven Davidoff Solomon
Shareholder Proposals and the Debate over Sustainability Disclosure, Jill Fisch and Adriana Z. Robertson
What’s in a Name? ESG Mutual Funds and the SEC’s Names Rule, Jill Fisch and Adriana Z. Robertson
How Did Corporations Get Stuck in Politics and Can They Escape?, Jill Fisch and Jeff Schwartz
Assessing Verbal Eyewitness Confidence Statements Using Natural Language Processing, Rachel Leigh Greenspan, Paul Heaton, and Alex Lyman
The Political Economy of Conservatorship, Jasmine Harris
Tolling Justice, Anjelica Hendricks
How Power Undermined the Medical Profession, Allison Hoffman
Addressing Problems with Medicaid Home & Community-Based Services in the Age of Rebalancing, Allison K. Hoffman, Katherine Rhode, Norma B. Coe, and Katherine Miller
Generative Interpretation, David A. Hoffman and Yonathan Arbel
Antimonopoly Antitrust Metrics, Herbert Hovenkamp
Antitrust and Digital Refusals to Deal, Herbert Hovenkamp
Antitrust Market Definition: the Hypothetical Monopolist and Brown Shoe, Herbert Hovenkamp
Consumer Welfare Will Determine the Outcome of the Apple Lawsuit, Herbert Hovenkamp
Federal Antitrust Policy: The Law of Competition and Its Practice, 7th Edition, Herbert Hovenkamp
Gatekeeper Competition Policy, Herbert Hovenkamp
How IP Rights Create Competition in E-commerce, Herbert Hovenkamp
Tech Monopoly, Herbert Hovenkamp
The 2023 Merger Guidelines: Law, Fact, and Method, Herbert Hovenkamp
The Antitrust Agencies’ Focus on Monopolization Claims Against Big Tech Dilutes the Meaning of Monopoly, Herbert Hovenkamp
The Antitrust Text, Herbert Hovenkamp
The Surprising Culprit Behind Declining US Antitrust Enforcement, Herbert Hovenkamp
Introduction to Competition Law Dictionary, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
The 2023 Merger Guidelines: An Assessment, Herbert Hovenkamp, Timothy Wu, and James A. Keyte
Defamation and Privacy, Gus Hurwitz
Introduction to Sustaining Journalistic Institutions, Gus Hurwitz
Noisy Speech Externalities, Gus Hurwitz
The Legality of the FTC's Noncompete Ban Is Less Certain Than Mansur and Posner Suggest, Gus Hurwitz
Addressing trauma and emotions in human rights: Reflections from teaching and practice, Gabrielle Jackson, Sarah Paoletti, and Margaret L. Satterthwaite
The Hopkins-Oxford Psychedelics Ethics (HOPE) Working Group Consensus Statement, Edward Jacobs, Brain D. Earp, Paul S. Appelbaum, Lori Bruce, Ksenia Cassidy, Yuria Celidwen, Katherine Cheung, Sean K. Clancy, Neşe Devenot, Jules Evans, Holly Lynch, Phoebe Friesen, Albert Garcia Romeu, Neil Gehani, Molly Maloof, Olivia Marcus, Ole Martin Moen, Mayli Martens, Sandeep M. Nayak, Tehseen Noorani, Kyle Patch, Sebastian Porsdam-Mann, Gokul Raj, Khaleel Rajwani, Keisha Ray, William Smith, Daniel Villiger, Neil Levy, Roger Crisp, Julian Savulescu, Ilina Singh, and David B. Yaden
Bounded Extraterritoriality, Michael Knoll and Ruth Mason
Media and Society After Technological Disruption, Kyle Langvardt and Gus Hurwitz
The Reconciliation Roots of Fourth Amendment Privacy, Sophia Z. Lee
Industry Price Guarantees for Publicly Funded Medicines: Learning from Project NextGen for Pandemics and Beyond, Holly Lynch, Rena M. Conti, and Jorge L. Conteras
Implementation of an Approach to Equitable Allocation of SARS-CoV-2 Monoclonal Antibodies for Preexposure Prophylaxis: Experience From a Single Medical Center, Holly Fernandez Lynch, Keith W. Hamilton, Elvis Hua, Lauren Dutcher, Paul Junker, Abigail G. Doucette, Danielle Werner, Ethan Z. Kannel, Thomas Civitello, Peter Gabriel, Vivek N. Ahya, and Dina A. Jacobs
Checks and Balances on FDA's Authority, Holly Fernandez Lynch, Peter Lurie, and I. Glenn Cohen
Grid Reliability in the Electric Era, Joshua Macey, Shelley Welton, and Hannah Wiseman
Antitrust Needs To Draw on Computer Science To Detect Algorithmic Collusion, Giovanna Massarotto
Driving Innovation with Antitrust, Giovanna Massarotto
The Critical Role of History after Dobbs, Serena Mayeri
Bail at the Founding, Sandra G. Mayson and Kellen R. Funk
Toward Abolitionist Remedies: Police (Non)Reform Litigation After the 2020 Uprisings, Cara McClellan and Jamelia N. Morgan
Final Report on the Work of the Task Force on Securities Holding Infrastructure: Part One, Charles W. Mooney Jr. and Sandra Rocks
Final Report on the Work of the Task Force on Securities Holding Infrastructure: Part Two, Charles W. Mooney Jr. and Sandra Rocks
Election Administration Harms and Ballot Design: A Study of Florida's 2018 United States Senate Race, Michael Morse, Michael C. Herron, Marc Meredith, Daniel A. Smith, and Michael D. Martinez
Measuring Lost Votes by Mail, Michael J. Morse, Marc Meredith, Amaya Madarang, and Katie Steele
Criminal Responsibility, Mental Disorder, and Behavioural Neuroscience, Stephen Morse
Dobbs and Democracy, Melissa Murray and Katherine Shaw
New Tech v. New Deal: Fintech as a Systemic Phenomenon, Saule T. Omarova
Public Banking as an Institutional Design Project, Saule T. Omarova
Banking and Antitrust, Saule T. Omarova and Graham Steele
Bridging the Accountability Gap: A Call to Action for Persons Subjected to Abuse in Immigrant Detention, Sarah Paoletti and Azadeh Shahshahani
The Missing "T" in ESG, Gideon Parchomovsky and Danielle A. Chaim
Corporate Empires: Past, Present, and Future, Gideon Parchomovsky and Asaf Eckstein
Adventure Capital, Elizabeth Pollman
The Making and Meaning of ESG, Elizabeth Pollman
The Pioneers, Waves, and Random Walks of Securities Law in the Supreme Court, Elizabeth Pollman