Managing the Performance of Regulatory Entities

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



In recent decades, major shifts from public to private control over infrastructure and other sectors of the economy, combined with increasing demands for consumer, social, and environmental protections, have given rise to increased recognition of the importance of government regulation. As a result, in many countries virtually every aspect of economic and social life is affected by the activities of regulatory authorities. The performance of regulatory authorities is itself affected by multiple factors, but prominent among them is the quality of their management. This chapter focuses on the management of regulatory authorities, offering a framework both for studying such management and for improving it. It defines the basic managerial challenges facing regulatory leaders and then elaborates the major steps involved in overcoming those challenges: priority-setting; rule design; public engagement; enforcement; and measurement and evaluation. Managing regulatory authorities well ultimately demands active and vigilant efforts on the part of regulatory leaders. Not only do leaders need to be attentive and agile, but they also need to adopt a mindset that seeks to learn whether their organizations’ actions are producing positive results and that strives for ongoing improvement. Further research by both academic and government analysts can promote regulatory leaders’ continuous learning—a crucial ingredient in high-quality regulatory management.


regulation, administrative law, regulatory agencies, regulatory management

Publication Title

Handbook of Regulatory Authorities
