Submissions from 2021
Internet Connectivity Among Indigenous and Tribal Communities in North America - A Focus on Social and Educational Outcomes, Christopher S. Yoo, Leon Gwaka, and Muge Haseki
Due Process in Antitrust Enforcement: Normative and Comparative Perspectives, Christopher S. Yoo, Yong Huang, Thomas Fetzer, and Shan Jiang
Privacy vs. Transparency: Handling Protected Materials in Agency Rulemaking, Christopher S. Yoo and Kellen McCoy
Privacy in the Age of Contact Tracing: An Analysis of Contact Tracing Apps in Different Statutory and Disease Frameworks, Christopher S. Yoo and Apratim Vidyarthi
Submissions from 2020
COVID and Crime: An Early Empirical Look, David S. Abrams
Implicit Communication and Enforcement of Corporate Disclosure Regulation, Ashiq Ali, Michael T. Durney, Jill E. Fisch, and Hoyoun Kyung
Angela Davis, Anita Allen
What is Privacy?, Anita L. Allen
Algorithmic Governance and Administrative Law, Steven M. Appel and Cary Coglianese
The Saga of Pennsylvania’s “Willie Horton” and the Commutation of Life Sentences in the Commonwealth, Regina Austin
Copyright As Legal Process: The Transformation of American Copyright Law, Shyamkrishna Balganesh
Privative Copyright, Shyamkrishna Balganesh
The Use of Technical Experts in Software Copyright Cases: Rectifying the Ninth Circuit’s “Nutty” Rule, Shyamkrishna Balganesh and Peter Menell
Constitutional Law, Mitchell N. Berman
Faith, Law, and Love: Peg Brinig's Legacy, Stephanos Bibas
The Pros and Cons of Plea Bargaining, Stephanos Bibas, Gregory Brower, Carissa Byrne Hessick, and Clark Neily
A Tale of Two Markets: Regulation and Innovation in Post-Crisis Mortgage and Structured Finance Markets, William W. Bratton and Adam J. Levitin
Corporate Law and the Myth of Efficient Market Control, William W. Bratton and Simone Sepe
Fiduciary Law and the Preservation of Trust in Business Relationships, Brian J. Broughman, Elizabeth Pollman, and D. Gordon Smith
Politics, Identity, and Class Certification on the U.S. Courts of Appeals, Stephen B. Burbank and Sean Farhang
Parenting Coordination and Confidentiality: A (Not-so) Delicate Balance, Debra K. Carter and Douglas N. Frenkel
Commercial Law Intersections, Giuliano Castellano and Andrea Tosato
Deploying Machine Learning for a Sustainable Future, Cary Coglianese
Environmental Soft Law as a Governance Strategy, Cary Coglianese
Illuminating Regulatory Guidance, Cary Coglianese
Law as Scapegoat, Cary Coglianese
Regulatory Abdication in Practice, Cary Coglianese
The Law and Economics of Risk Regulation, Cary Coglianese
Social Science and the Analysis of Environmental Policy, Cary Coglianese and Shana Starobin
Management-Based Regulation, Cary Coglianese and Shana M. Starobin
Litigating EPA Rules: A Fifty-Year Retrospective of Environmental Rulemaking in the Courts, Cary Coglianese and Daniel E. Walters
Whither the Regulatory “War on Coal”? Scapegoats, Saviors, and Stock Market Reactions, Cary Coglianese and Daniel E. Walters
Transactional Scripts in Contract Stacks, Shaanan Cohney and David A. Hoffman
The Proof is in the Process: Self-Reporting Under International Human Rights Treaties, Cosette D. Creamer and Beth A. Simmons
Reviewing Inter Partes Review Five Years In: The View From University Technology Transfer Offices, Cynthia L. Dahl
When Standards Collide with Intellectual Property: Teaching About Standard Setting Organizations, Technology, and Microsoft v. Motorola, Cynthia L. Dahl
Editor’s Corner: Political Warfare, Sharp Power, the U.S., and East Asia, Jacques deLisle
Foreign Policy through Other Means: Hard Power, Soft Power, and China’s Turn to Political Warfare to Influence the United States, Jacques DeLisle
Introduction--Chinese Law in a Time of Crises: Regulatory Challenges at Home, Ideological Contests Abroad . . . and More, Jacques deLisle
Lessons from China's Response to COVID-19: Shortcomings, Successes, and Prospects for Reform in China's Regulatory State, Jacques deLisle and Shen Kui
Dismantling “Dilemmas of Difference” in the Workplace, Rangita de Silva de Alwis, Sarah Heberlig, and Lindsay Holcomb
Whitman and the Fiduciary Relationship Conundrum, Lisa Fairfax
Genetic Discrimination in the United States, Eric A. Feldman and Erin Quick
Losing the Right to Assert You've Been Wronged: A Study in Conceptual Chaos?, Kimberly Kessler Ferzan
Sarch, Alexander. Criminally Ignorant: Why the Law Pretends We Know What We Don’t. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019., Kimberly Kessler Ferzan
The Reach of the Realm, Kimberly Kessler Ferzan
Tear Down Those Walls: The Future of Graduate Education in Child and Family Advocacy, Kara Finck, Cindy Christian, Cynthia Connolly, Sarah Jaffee, Johanna Greeson, Antonio Garcia, Stacy L. Carlough, and Caroline L. Watts
Defined Contribution Plans and the Challenge of Financial Illiteracy, Jill E. Fisch, Annamaria Lusardi, and Andrea Hasler
Shareholder Collaboration, Jill E. Fisch and Simone M. Sepe
Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law (114:1 Am J Int'l L), Jean Galbraith
Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law (114:2 Am J Int'l L), Jean Galbraith
Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law (114:3 Am J Int'l L), Jean Galbraith
Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law (114:4 Am J Int'l L), Jean Galbraith
Rejoining Treaties, Jean Galbraith
The Fourth Restatement’s Treatment of International Law and Administrative Law, Jean Galbraith
A Babe in the Woods: An Essay on Kirby Lumber and the Evolution of Corporate Law, Lawrence Hamermesh
Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200 (1927): Commentary, Jasmine Harris
The Privacy Problem in Disability Antidiscrimination Law, Jasmine Harris
The Expansive Reach of Pretrial Detention, Paul Heaton
Medicaid Coverage Expansions and Liability Insurance, Paul Heaton and Caleb Flint
How Medicalization of Civil Rights Could Disappoint, Allison K. Hoffman
The ACA’s Choice Problem, Allison K. Hoffman
Introduction to Access to Healthcare, Allison K. Hoffman and Andre den Exter
Federal Antitrust Policy: The Law of Competition and its Practice, Herbert Hovenkamp
Antitrust: What Counts as Consumer Welfare?, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
FRAND and Antitrust, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
House Judiciary Inquiry into Competition in Digital Markets: Statement, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
Justice Department's New Position on Patents, Standard Setting, and Injunctions, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
On the Meaning of Antitrust's Consumer Welfare Principle, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
Framing the Chicago School of Antitrust Analysis, Herbert J. Hovenkamp and Fiona Scott Morton
Designing a Pattern, Darkly, Gus Hurwitz
Governance by Other Means: Rankings as Regulatory Systems, Judith G. Kelley and Beth A. Simmons
Pandemic Response as Border Politics, Michael R. Kenwick and Beth A. Simmons
Private Equity Value Creation in Finance: Evidence from Life Insurance, Divya Kirti and Natasha Sarin
Is the Digital Economy Too Concentrated?, Jonathan Klick
Surveying the Not Yet Dead: Comment on Hirsch’s Empirical Analysis of Revival of Wills, Jonathan Klick
Deterrence and Liability for Intentional Torts, Jonathan Klick and John MacDonald
Sobering Up After the Seventh Inning: Alcohol and Crime Around the Ballpark, Jonathan Klick and John M. MacDonald
The Costs of Critical Habitat or Owl’s Well That Ends Well, Jonathan Klick and J.B. Ruhl
Tax Discrimination, Michael Knoll, Elizabeth Adams, and Ruth Mason
Steiner v. Utah: Designing a Constitutional Remedy, Michael S. Knoll and Ruth Mason
The Dormant Foreign Commerce Clause After Wynne, Michael S. Knoll and Ruth Mason
The Poverty Law Education of Charles Reich, Felicia Kornbluh and Karen Tani
Ethical and Regulatory Issues for Embedded Pragmatic Trials Involving People Living with Dementia, Emily A. Largent, Spencer Phillips Hey, Kristin Harkins, Allison K. Hoffman, Steven Joffe, Julie C. Lima, Alex John London, and Jason Karlawish
The Family First Prevention Services Act: A New Era of Child Welfare Reform, Karen Lindell, Christina K. Sorenson, and Susan V. Mangold
Why the Supreme Court Should Grant Certiorari in Steiner v. Utah, Ruth Mason and Michael S. Knoll
Detention by Any Other Name, Sandra G. Mayson
The Concept of Criminal Law, Sandra G. Mayson
Misdemeanors by the Numbers, Sandra G. Mayson and Megan T. Stevenson
Google v. Oracle Amicus Merits Stage Brief: Vindicating IP’s Channeling Principle and Restoring Jurisdictional Balance to Software Copyright Protection, Peter Menell, David Nimmer, and Shyamkrishna Balganesh
A Natural Experiment to Test the Effect of Sanction Certainty and Celerity on Substance-Impaired Driving: North Dakota’s 24/7 Sobriety Program, Greg Midgette, Beau Kilmer, Nancy Nicosia, and Paul Heaton
An Essay on Pluralism in Financial Market Infrastructure Design: The Case of Securities Holding in the United States, Charles W. Mooney Jr.
Beyond Intermediation: A New (FinTech) Model for Securities Holding Infrastructures, Charles W. Mooney Jr.
Lost in Transplantation: Modern Principles of Secured Transactions Law as Legal Transplants, Charles W. Mooney Jr.
One Person, One Vote: Estimating the Prevalence of Double Voting in U.S. Presidential Elections, Michael Morse, Sharad Goel, Marc Meredith, and David Rothschild
Picking Prosecutors, Michael Morse and Carissa Byrne Hessick
Is Executive Function The Universal Acid?, Stephen J. Morse
Neuroscience and Law: Conceptual and Practical Issues, Stephen J. Morse
“It Is Likely a White Gene”: Racial Voyeurism and Consumption of Black Mothers and “White” Babies in Online News Media, Sonita R. Moss and Dorothy E. Roberts
On Environmental, Climate Change & National Security Law, Mark P. Nevitt