Privacy, Critical Definition and Racial Justice

Document Type

Book Chapter

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As a contrbution to applied philosophy of language and privacy theory, I want to point the way to a philosophical approach to conveying the meaning of privacy that I call “critical definitional facilitation.” This approach contrasts to another, “analytic definitional prescription,” which has been commonplace in the field of philosophy for decades and which it ought to supplement or supplant. The motivation for shifting emphasis from prescriptive analysis to critical facilitation—a shift from an emphasis on definitional meaning to definitional significance (Hirsh 1984) -- is the political and urgent nature of privacy discourse in contemporary life. Privacy discourse is a way of thinking, speaking and acting with serious implications for moral, human, civil and legal rights. (Zuboff 2019) Here I address the relationship between definitional facilitation, politics and justice for African-Americans.


privacy, language, politics, African American, Gallie

Publication Title

The Oxford Handbook of Applied Philosophy of Language

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