Constructing a Resilient Energy Supply

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



Within disaster law, fostering social or community resilience is a key goal. In principle, the aim of resilience also applies to the energy supply, which should be built (or rebuilt) to enhance communities’ ability to cope with, and regroup from, disaster. However, resilience is a contested concept within energy law, where there is a vigorous – yet narrowly technocratic – debate over what attributes contribute to a resilient energy supply. This chapter synthesizes the conversations about resilience within disaster law and energy law to clarify the notion of resilience as it relates to energy. In particular, it argues that the rich literature on disaster law offers persuasive insights into what the goals and properties of a resilient energy supply should be, as well as how institutions might be reshaped to deliver on this potential.


resilience, energy justice, distributed generation, recovery, energy governance, energy infrastructure, energy supply

Publication Title

The Cambridge Handbook of Disaster Law: Risk, Recovery, and Redevelopment


Full text not available in Penn Law Legal Scholarship Repository.
