Submissions from 2025
Financial Innovation: Three Fallacies in the Debate, Saule T. Omarova
Introduction to Hidden Fallacies in Corporate Law and Financial Regulation: Reframing the Mainstream Narratives, Saule T. Omarova and Alexandra Andhov
Liberalism’s Last Rights: Disability Inclusion and the Rise of the Cost-Benefit State, Karen Tani
Submissions from 2024
Privacy, Critical Definition and Racial Justice, Anita L. Allen
Procurement and Artificial Intelligence, Cary Coglianese
Rule Design: Defining the Regulator–Regulatee Relationship, Cary Coglianese
Algorithmic Administration as Constitutional Governance, Cary Coglianese and Orly Lobel
Achieve Gender Equality and Empower all Women and Girls, Rangita de Silva de Alwis
The Perils and Promise of Shareholders as Stakeholder Advocates, Lisa Fairfax
An Overview of Facial Recognition Technology Regulation in the United States, Mailyn Fidler and Gus Hurwitz
Can the Liberty of Subjects Protect Against Tyranny and Corruption in Government?, Claire Finkelstein
Shareholder Proposals and the Debate over Sustainability Disclosure, Jill Fisch and Adriana Z. Robertson
How Power Undermined the Medical Profession, Allison Hoffman
Introduction to Competition Law Dictionary, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
Defamation and Privacy, Gus Hurwitz
Introduction to Sustaining Journalistic Institutions, Gus Hurwitz
Noisy Speech Externalities, Gus Hurwitz
Addressing trauma and emotions in human rights: Reflections from teaching and practice, Gabrielle Jackson, Sarah Paoletti, and Margaret L. Satterthwaite
Criminal Responsibility, Mental Disorder, and Behavioural Neuroscience, Stephen Morse
Foreword, Wendell E. Pritchett
The Failure of Dobbs: The Entanglement of Abortion Bans, Criminalized Pregnancies, and Forced Family Separation, Dorothy Roberts
The Legacy of Black Mothers' Radical Resistance of Care, Dorothy Roberts
Social Work and Family Policing: A conversation between Joyce McMillan and Dorothy Roberts, Dorothy Roberts and Joyce McMillan
Against Choice of Law Exceptionalism, Kermit Roosevelt III
The Electoral College, Kate Shaw
Dobbs' Democratic Deficits, Katherine Shaw and Melissa Murray
The Competitive Pressures of Rankings: Experimental Evidence of Rankings on Domestic Priorities, Beth Simmons, Rush Doshi, and Judith Kelley
Submissions from 2023
Authoritarian Police and Policing in East Asia: Scope, Patterns, and Paradoxes, Jacques deLisle
Not Quite Déjà Vu All Over Again: CPTPP Accession and Taiwan–China–US Relations, Jacques deLisle
Directors' and Officers' Liability under Securities Laws, Lisa Fairfax
Responsibility and Pretrial Detention, Kimberly Ferzan
Private Security and Deterrence, Jonathan Klick and John MacDonald
Contracting Around Tort Defaults: The Knock-for-Knock Principle and Accident Costs, Gideon Parchomovsky and Endre Stavang
Judicial Extraterritoriality, Yanbai Wang
Submissions from 2022
State Capitalism in the United States: Development Finance State, Saule T. Omarova and Robert C. Hockett
The Primacy of Electoral Politics and Our Outdated Checks and Balances, Theodore Ruger
Constructing a Resilient Energy Supply, Shelley Welton
Submissions from 2021
Insolvency Law as Credit Enhancement and Enforcement Mechanism : A Closer Look at Global Modernization of Secured Transactions Laws, Charles Mooney
Fintech and the Limits of Financial Regulation: A Systemic Perspective, Saule T. Omarova
The "Franchise" View of the Corporation: Purpose, Personality, Public Policy, Saule T. Omarova
Submissions from 2020
Introduction to Access to Healthcare, Allison K. Hoffman and Andre den Exter
Submissions from 2019
Role Morality, Leo Katz and Alvaro Sandroni
Professor Brilmayer and the Third Restatement, Kermit Roosevelt
Guns, Interpretation, and Executive Branch Constitutionalism, Katherine Shaw
Similar in their Ability or Inability to Work: Young v. UPS and the Meaning of Pregnancy Discrimination, Katherine Shaw
Introduction, Katherine Shaw, Reva Siegel, and Melissa Murray
Submissions from 2018
Central Banks, Systemic Risk, and Financial Sector Structural Reform, Saule T. Omarova
Reorienting Disclosure Debates in a Post-Citizens United World, Katherine Shaw
Submissions from 2017
Measuring Regulatory Excellence, Cary Coglianese
Insurance and the Excellent Regulator, Cary Coglianese and Howard Kunreuther
Omissions, Acts, and the Duty to Rescue, Kimberly Ferzan
Preface, Herbert Hovenkamp
Empirical Law and Economics, Jonathan Klick and Jonah Gelbach
Prejudgment Interest, Michael Knoll
Neuroethics: Neurolaw, Stephen Morse
An Out-of-Court Restructuring or a Chapter 11 Case: When and How to Choose, Sarah Pierce, Corali Lopez-Castro, and Mindy Y. Kubs
The Supreme Court’s View of Corporate Rights: Two Centuries of Evolution and Controversy, Elizabeth Pollman and Margaret Blair
Family and Household Economics, Amy Wax
Trust Me I’m an Expert: Scientific and Legal Expertise in Scalia’s Jurisprudence, Amy Wax
Submissions from 2016
Performance-Based Regulation: Concepts and Challenges, Cary Coglianese
George J. Stigler, “The Theory of Economic Regulation”, Cary Coglianese and Chris Carrigan
Forfeiture and Self-Defense, Kimberly Ferzan
Editors' Introduction, Kimberly Ferzan and Stephen J. Morse
Religious Corporations and Disestablishment, 1780-1840, Sarah Barringer Gordon
What Health Reform Reveals About Health Law, Allison K. Hoffman
Coase, Ronald Harry, Herbert Hovenkamp
Do We Need a Doctrine of Complicity?, Leo Katz
Non-epistemic Uncertainty and the Problem of Legal Line-Drawing, Leo Katz
The Value of Training in Quantitative Methods for Judges, Jonathan Klick
Comparative Positive Political Theory and Empirics, M. Elizabeth Magill and Dan Ortiz
Moore on the Mind, Stephen Morse
Defending the (Delaware) Corporate Law Bastion, David Skeel
The Dead End of Disparate Impact: Recent Developments, Amy Wax
Submissions from 2015
Administrative Law: The U.S. and Beyond, Cary Coglianese
Using Public Law to Shape Private Organizations, Cary Coglianese and Jennifer Nash
Mormons and the Law, Sarah Barringer Gordon
Sex Laws and Videophones: the Problem of Sexting Prosecutions, Seth Kreimer
Indespensible Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology: The (Non) Challenge from Neuroscience, Stephen Morse
Neurolaw, Stephen Morse
One Step Forward Two Steps Back?: The Institutional Structure of US Financial Services Regulation After the Crisis of 2008, Saule T. Omarova
Justice Souter and His Law Clerks, Kermit Roosevelt
Financing Systemically Important Financial Institutions in Bankruptcy, David Skeel
Submissions from 2014
Comment on Shi Hexing, “The People’s Congress System and China’s Constitutional Development", Jacques deLisle
Taiwan and Soft Power: Contending with China and Seeking Security, Jacques deLisle
Introduction: Taiwan at the Crossroads, Jacques deLisle and Jean-Pierre Cabestan
Distribution and Vertical Control, Herbert Hovenkamp
Economics and Law in the Progressive Era, Herbert Hovenkamp
From Institutionalism to Legal Realism, Herbert Hovenkamp
Introduction, Herbert Hovenkamp
Natural Selection, Deterrence, and Mental Defect, Herbert Hovenkamp
Recasting the Common Law: The Management of Risk and Relationship, Herbert Hovenkamp
Scarcity, Biology, and the Rational Actor, Herbert Hovenkamp
Social Value, Taxation, and Public Finance, Herbert Hovenkamp
Structuralism in Competition Policy, Herbert Hovenkamp
The Regulatory State and Federalism, Herbert Hovenkamp
The Revolution in Corporate Finance, Herbert Hovenkamp
The Science and Law of Race, Herbert Hovenkamp
The Separation of Ownership and Control, Herbert Hovenkamp
The Substantive Due Process Triumvirate: Health, Safety, and Morals, Herbert Hovenkamp