Submissions from 1986
Developments in Law - Toxic Waste Litigation, Howard F. Chang
Duties to Offset Competitive Advantages, Richard B. Dagen and Michael S. Knoll
Foreign Investment: Foreign Economic Contract Law, Jacques deLisle
Intuitionistic tense and modal logic, William Ewald
Rising Above Principle, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr.
Rhetoric and Skepticism in Antitrust Argument, Herbert Hovenkamp
Treble Damages and Antitrust Deterrence: A Dialogue, Herbert Hovenkamp and L. Schwartz
Takeover Defenses, Leo Katz and Petter Gaines
Smith v. Vangorkom: The Business of Judging Business Judgment, Leo Katz and Leo Herzel
Gray-Market Imports: Causes, Consequences and Responses, Michael S. Knoll
Artists, Workers, and the Law of Work: Keynote Address, Howard Lesnick
The Integration of Responsibility and Values: Legal Education in an Alternative Consciousness of Lawyering and Law, Howard Lesnick
Psychology, Determinism and Legal Responsibility, Stephen Morse
Why Amnesia and the Law Is Not a Useful Topic, Stephen J. Morse
Submissions from 1985
Manners, Metaprinciples, Metapolitics and Kennedy's Form and Substance, William W. Bratton
Afterwords: A Response to Professor Hazard and a Comment on Marrese, Stephen B. Burbank
Interjurisdictional Preclusion and Federal Common Law: Toward a General Approach, Stephen B. Burbank
Medical Ethics the Japanese Way, Eric Feldman
Indian Religious Freedom and Governmental Development of Public Lands, Sarah Barringer Gordon
Antitrust Policy After Chicago, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
Evolutionary Models in Jurisprudence, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
Social Science and Segregation Before Brown, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
Municipal Regulation and Federal Antitrust Policy, Herbert Hovenkamp and John MacKerron III
Excusing the Crazy: The Insanity Defense Reconsidered, Stephen J. Morse
Retaining a Modified Insanity Defense, Stephen J. Morse
Causing the Conditions of One's Own Defense: A Study in the Limits of Theory in Criminal Law Doctrine, Paul H. Robinson
Submissions from 1984
Women and Their Privacy: What is at Stake, Anita L. Allen
The Economics and Jurisprudence of Convertible Bonds, William W. Bratton
The Interpretation of Contracts Governing Corporate Debt Relationships, William W. Bratton
Collins Seitz: A Noble Career, Stephen B. Burbank
State Legislation and the Handicapped Newborn: A Moral and Political Dilemma, Eric Feldman
Judge Friendly's Contributions to Securities Law and Criminal Procedure: "Moderation is All", Frank Goodman
Merger Actions for Damages, Herbert Hovenkamp
Technology, Politics and Regulated Monopoly: An American Historical Perspective, Herbert Hovenkamp
Vertical Integration by the Newspaper Monopolist, Herbert Hovenkamp
Vertical Restrictions and Monopoly Power, Herbert Hovenkamp
Allocational Sanctions: The Problem of Negative Rights in a Positive State, Seth F. Kreimer
Remembering Ed Sparer, Howard Lesnick
Mental Disorder and the Law, Stephen Morse
Save the Insanity Defense, Stephen Morse
Justice, Mercy, and Craziness, Stephen J. Morse
Undiminished Confusion in Diminished Capacity, Stephen J. Morse
Imputed Criminal Liability, Paul H. Robinson
Criminal Liability for Omissions: A Brief Summary and Critique of the Law in the United States, Paul H. Robinson
Leveling the Peaks and Troughs in the Demomgraphic Cycle: An Application to School Enrollment Rates, Michael L. Wachter and William L. Wascher
Submissions from 1983
The Insurance Classification Controversy, Regina Austin
Sanctions in the Proposed Amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: Some Questions About Power, Stephen B. Burbank
Judicial Reconstruction of the Robinson-Patman Act: Predatory Differential Pricing, Herbert Hovenkamp
Market Power and Secondary-Line Differential Pricing, Herbert Hovenkamp
State Antitrust in the Federal Scheme, Herbert Hovenkamp
The Economics of Legal History, Herbert Hovenkamp
Tying Arrangements and Class Actions, Herbert Hovenkamp
Predatory Pricing and the Ninth Circuit, Herbert Hovenkamp and Avarelle Silver-Westrick
The Consciousness of Work and the Values of American Labor Law, Howard Lesnick
Mental Health Law: Governmental Regulation of Disordered Persons and the Role of the Psychologist, Stephen Morse
Predicting Future Dangerousness, Stephen Morse
The Mentally Disordered Offender, Stephen Morse
The Role of the Mental Health Expert, Stephen Morse
Mental Health Implications of the Juvenile Justice Standards, Stephen Morse and Charles Whitebread II
Element Analysis in Defining Criminal Liability: The Model Penal Code and Beyond, Paul H. Robinson and Jane A. Grall
Submissions from 1982
Procedural Rulemaking Under the Judicial Councils Reform and Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980, Stephen B. Burbank
The Rules Enabling Act of 1934, Stephen B. Burbank
Hospice Under the Medicare Wing, Eric Feldman and Ronald Bayer
Professor Brest on State Action and Liberal Theory, and a Postscript to Professor Stone, Frank Goodman
Distributive Justice and the Antitrust Laws, Herbert Hovenkamp
Federalism Revised, Herbert Hovenkamp
Personal Jurisdiction and Venue in Private Antitrust Actions in the Federal Courts: A Policy Analysis, Herbert Hovenkamp
Pragmatic Realism and Proximate Cause in America, Herbert Hovenkamp
Sovereign Immunities Act Jurisdiction and Antitrust Policy, Herbert Hovenkamp
What is an Appealable Order?, Seth Kreimer
Structure of Labor Relations, Howard Lesnick
Reforming Expert Testimony: An Open Response from the Tower (and the Trenches), Stephen Morse
Diminishing Diminished Capacity in California, Stephen Morse and Edward Cohen
A Preference for Liberty: The Case Against Involuntary Commitment of the Mentally Disordered, Stephen J. Morse
Failed Explanations and Criminal Responsibility: Experts and the Unconscious, Stephen J. Morse
Criminal Law Defenses: A Systematic Analysis, Paul Robinson
Submissions from 1981
Retribution, Justice, and Therapy, Anita Allen
Can a Foreign Sovereign Be an Antitrust Defendant?, Herbert Hovenkamp
Insanity and Criminal Responsibility in Progressive America, Herbert Hovenkamp
Tying Arrangements in the Real Estate Market: Federal Antitrust and Local Land Development Policy, Herbert Hovenkamp
Equitable Modifications of Time Limitations Under Title VII, Leo Katz
Submissions from 1980
Resource Extraction and Anticipated Demand Shifts, Michael Knoll, John Martin, and Robert Miller
Malpractice Liability for Psychosurgery, Stephen Morse
Understanding Adversary Process and Conflict in Criminal Justice, Stephen Morse
A Brief History of Distinctions in Criminal Culpability, Paul H. Robinson
The Labor Market and Illegal Immigration: The Outlook for the 1980s, Michael L. Wachter
Submissions from 1979
The Desegregation Dilemma: A Vote for Voluntarism, Frank Goodman
What Does Bakke Require of Law Schools?, Howard Lesnick
Family Law in Transition: From Traditional Families to Individual Liberty, Stephen Morse
Diminished Capacity: A Moral and Legal Conundrum, Stephen J. Morse
Submissions from 1978
A Correction to the Robinson Edition of Chaucer, William Ewald
An Historical Perspective on the Attorney-Client Privilege, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr.
Reassessing Law Schooling: The Sterling Forest Group, Howard Lesnick
Law and Mental Health Professionals: The Limits of Expertise, Stephen Morse
Psychological and Psychiatric Issues, Stephen Morse
Crazy Behavior, Morals, and Science: An Analysis of Mental Health Law, Stephen J. Morse
Submissions from 1977
The Twilight of Welfare Criminology, Stephen J. Morse
An Introduction to Behavior Therapy, Stephen Morse and Robert Watson Jr.
An Introduction to Dynamic Psychotherapy, Stephen Morse and Robert Watson Jr.
An Introduction to Psychotherapy, Stephen Morse and Robert Watson Jr.