Submissions from 1999
Law and Economics of English Only, William W. Bratton
Deadweight Costs and Intrinsic Wrongs of Nativism: Economics, Freedom, and Legal Suppression of Spanish, William W. Bratton and Drucilla L. Cornell
Comparative Corporate Governance and the Theory of the Firm: The Case Against Global Cross Reference, William W. Bratton and Joseph A. McCahery
Jurisdiction to Adjudicate: End of the Century or Beginning of the Millennium?, Stephen B. Burbank
The Architecture of Judicial Independence, Stephen B. Burbank
The Limits of Consensus, Cary Coglianese
The Taiwan Question, Jacques deLisle
Legal History and Comparative Law, William Ewald
The Silent Resurrection of Plessy: The Supreme Court's Acquiescence in the 'Resegregation' of America'sSchools, Lisa Fairfax
When You Wish Upon A Star: Explaining the Cautious Growth of Royalty-Backed Securitization, Lisa Fairfax
HIV and Blood in Japan: Transforming Private Conflict into Public Scandal, Eric Feldman
Introduction: Understanding the Blood Feuds, Eric Feldman
Blood Feuds: AIDS, Blood, and the Politics of Medical Disaster, Eric A. Feldman and Ronald Bayer
When the Rule Swallows the Exception, Claire Finkelstein
On the Obligation of the State to Extend a Right of Self-Defense to its Citizens, Claire Oakes Finkelstein
Threats and Preemptive Practices, Claire Oakes Finkelstein
The Scope of Private Securities Litigation: In Search of Liability Standards for Secondary Defendants, Jill E. Fisch
The Hazards of Legal Fine Tuning: Confronting the Free Will Problem in Election Law Scholarship, Michael A. Fitts
The Legalization of the Presidencey: A Twenty-Five Year Watergate Retrospective, Michael A. Fitts
On Hate and Equality, Alon Harel and Gideon Parchomovsky
How Successful Was the Revision of UCC Article 9?: Reflections of the Reporters, Steven L. Harris and Charles W. Mooney Jr.
Antitrust Remedies for Intellectual Property Bottlenecks, Herbert Hovenkamp
Federal Antitrust Policy: The Law of Competition and its Practice, Herbert Hovenkamp
Intellectual Property Rights and Antitrust Policy: Introduction, Herbert Hovenkamp
Private Property and the State, Herbert Hovenkamp
The Takings Clause and Improvident Regulatory Bargains, Herbert Hovenkamp
Form and Substance in Law and Morality, Leo Katz
Playing By, With, Around, Under, and Above the Rules: An Essay For and About Fred Schauer, Leo Katz
Preempting Oneself: The Right and the Duty to Forestall One's Own Wrongdoing, Leo Katz
Responsibility and Consent: The Libertarian's Problems with Freedom of Contract, Leo Katz
Financial Innovation, Tax Arbitrage, and Retrospective Taxation: The Problem with Passive Government Lending, Michael Knoll
Personal Fulfillment in the Changing World of Law Practice: Opportunities and Obstacles, Howard Lesnick
Speaking Truth to Powerlessness, Howard Lesnick
Assignments of International Interests in Mobile Equipment and Related Receivables Under the UNIDROIT Convention: When Should the Tail Wag the Dog?, Charles W. Mooney Jr.
Judgment Proofing, Bankruptcy Policy, and the Dark Side of Tort Liability, Charles W. Mooney Jr.
Craziness and Criminal Responsibility, Stephen J. Morse
Crazy Reasons, Stephen J. Morse
Delinquency and Desert, Stephen J. Morse
Neither Desert nor Disease, Stephen J. Morse
Not so Hard (and Not so Special), After All: Comments on Zimring's "The Hardest of the Hard Cases", Stephen J. Morse
A Northern Civil Rights Movement: The Beth-El Strike of 1962 and New York Race Relations, Wendell Pritchett
The Myth of Private Ordering: Rediscovering Legal Realism in Cyberspace, Margaret Jane Radin and R. Polk Wagner
Mothers Who Fail to Protect Their Children: Accounting for Private and Public Responsibility, Dorothy Roberts
Welfare’s Ban on Poor Motherhood, Dorothy Roberts
Why Culture Matters to Law: The Difference Politics Makes, Dorothy Roberts
Foreword: Race, Vagueness, and the Social Meaning of Order-Maintenance Policing, Dorothy E. Roberts
Is There Justice in Children's Rights?: The Critique of Federal Family Preservation Policy, Dorothy E. Roberts
Poverty, Race, and New Directions in Child Welfare Policy, Dorothy E. Roberts
The Challenge of Substance Abuse for Family Preservation Policy, Dorothy E. Roberts
Would You Convict? Seventeen Cases that Challenged the Law, Paul H. Robinson
Waiting for the Omelet to Set: Match-Specific Assets and Minority Oppression in the Close Corporation, Edward B. Rock and Michael L. Wachter
A Little Theory is a Dangerous Thing: The Myth of Adjudicative Retroactivity, Kermit Roosevelt III
The Myth of Choice of Law: Rethinking Conflicts, Kermit Roosevelt III
See you in 'Court'? The Appeal to Quasi-Judicial Legal Processes in the Settlement of Territorial Disputes, Beth Simmons
The Internationalization of Capital, Beth Simmons
The United States and Europe: The Emerging Regulatory Framework for International Capital Markets, Beth Simmons
The Genius of the 1898 Bankruptcy Act, David A. Skeel Jr.
The Market Revolution in Bank and Insurance Firm Governance: Its Logic and Limits, David A. Skeel Jr.
Filters and the First Amendment, R. Polk Wagner
The Medium is the Mistake: The Law of Software for the First Amendment, R. Polk Wagner
Caring Enough: Sex Roles, Work and Taxing Women, Amy L. Wax
Discrimination as Accident, Amy L. Wax
Is There a Caring Crisis?, Amy L. Wax
Submissions from 1998
Privacy, Anita Allen
Slavery and Surrogacy, Anita Allen
Privacy, Anita L. Allen
Debating democracy's discontent: essays on American politics, law, and public philosophy, Anita Allen and Milton Regan, Jr.
"Not Just for the Fun of It!" Governmental Restraints on Black Leisure, Social Inequality, and the Privatization of Public Space, Regina Austin
Reconsidering Insurance for Punitive Damages, Tom Baker
Transforming Punishment into Compensation: In the Shadow of Punitive Damages, Tom Baker
The Evidentiary Theory of Blackmail: Taking Motives Seriously, Mitchell N. Berman
The United States' Approach to International Civil Litigation: Recent Developments in Forum Selection, Stephen B. Burbank
Migration as International Trade: The Economic Gains from the Liberalized Movement of Labor, Howard F. Chang
Implications of Liberal Neutrality for Environmental Policy, Cary Coglianese
Getting the Message Out: Regulatory Policy and the Press, Cary Coglianese and Margaret Howard
China's Conception of Law for Hong Kong, and Its Implications for the SAR and US-PRC Relations, Jacques deLisle
Posner's Economic Approach to Comparative Law, William Ewald
The Jurisprudential Approach to Comparative Law: A Field Guide to 'Rats', William Ewald
Defining Death: Organ Transplants, Tradition, and High Technology in Japan, Eric Feldman
Testing the Force: HIV, the Military, and Human Rights in Australia, Eric Feldman
Can Internet Offerings Bridge the Small Business Capital Barrier?, Jill E. Fisch
Bringing Legal Realism to the Study of Ethics and Professionalism, Douglas N. Frenkel, Robert L. Nelson, and Austin Sarat
Foreword, Symposium, The Legal Profession: The Impact of Law and Legal Theory, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr.
The Underlying Causes of Withdrawal and Expulsion of Partners from Law Firms, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr.
An Historical Analysis of the Binding Nature of Class Suits, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr., John L. Gedid, and Stephen Sowie
United States Antitrust Law: Implementation of its Varied Goals, Herbert Hovenkamp
Incommensurable Choices and the Problem of Moral Ignorance, Leo Katz
Comment on M. Milevsky & E. Prisman, Hedging and Pricing with Tax Law Uncertainty: Managing Under an Arkansas Best Doctrine, Michael Knoll
The Economics of ‘Injury’ in Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Cases: A Reply to Professor Sykes, Michael Knoll and Ronald A. Cass
Antidumping, Michael Knoll, Ronald A. Cass, Richard D. Boltuck, and Sarah T. Kaplan
The Religious Lawyer in a Pluralist Society, Howard Lesnick
Fear of Danger, Flight from Culpability, Stephen Morse
Insanity, Legal Concept Of, Stephen Morse
Excusing and The New Excuse Defenses: A Legal and Conceptual Review, Stephen J. Morse
Moral Responsibility: A Story, an Argument, and a Vision, Stephen J. Morse
Oil Pipelines and the 'Scramble for the Caspian': Contextualizing the Policies of Oil in Post-Soviet Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, Saule T. Omarova
Hart's Methodological Positivism, Stephen R. Perry
The Absent Black Father, Dorothy Roberts
The Meaning of Blacks' Fidelity to the Constitution, Dorothy Roberts
Sources of Commitment to Social Justice, Dorothy E. Roberts