Submissions from 1990
Alive and Well: Religious Freedom in the Welfare State, Anita L. Allen
On Being a Role Model, Anita L. Allen
Surrogacy, Slavery, and the Ownership of Life, Anita L. Allen
How Privacy Got Its Gender, Anita L. Allen and Erin Mack
Democracy and Its Critics, Cary Coglianese
The Limits of Social Policy, Cary Coglianese
Can Ignorance Be Bliss? Imperfect Information as a Positive Influence in Political Insitutions, Michael A. Fitts
Retaining the Rule of Law in a Chevron World, Michael A. Fitts
Antitrust Analysis of Market Power, With Some Thoughts About Regulated Industries, Herbert Hovenkamp
Antitrust Policy, Federalism, and the Theory of the Firm: an Historical Perspective, Herbert Hovenkamp
Arrow's Theorem: Ordinalism and Republican Government, Herbert Hovenkamp
Legislation, Well-Being and Public Choice, Herbert Hovenkamp
Marginal Utility and the Coase Theorem, Herbert Hovenkamp
Positivism in Law & Economics, Herbert Hovenkamp
The Indirect Purchaser Rule and Cost-Plus Sales, Herbert Hovenkamp
The Measurement of Market Power: Policy and Science, Herbert Hovenkamp
The First Great Law & Economics Movement, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
The Assumption of Risk Argument, Leo Katz
The Second Generation of Notes Indexed for Inflation, Michael S. Knoll
Entitlement, Seth Kreimer
Infinity in a Grain of Sand: The World of Law and Lawyers as Portrayed in the Clinical Teaching Implicit in the Law School Curriculum, Howard Lesnick
Beyond Negotiability: A New Model for Transfer and Pledge of Interests in Securities Controlled by Intermediaries, Charles W. Mooney Jr.
The Misbegotten Marriage of Soft Psychology and Bad Law: Psychological Self-Defense as a Justification for Homicide, Stephen Morse
Rules of Conduct and Principles of Adjudication, Paul H. Robinson
Submissions from 1989
Equality and Private Choice, Anita L. Allen
Sapphire Bound!, Regina Austin
Corporate Debt Relationships: Legal Theory in a Time of Restructuring, William W. Bratton
The New Economic Theory of the Firm: Critical Perspectives from History, William W. Bratton
The "Nexus of Contracts" Corporation: A Critical Appraisal, William W. Bratton
Hold the Corks: A Comment on Paul Carrington's "Substance" and "Procedure" in the Rules Enabling Act, Stephen B. Burbank
The Report of the Third Circuit Task Force on Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11: An update, Stephen B. Burbank
For Leo Levin: Ave atque Ave, Stephen B. Burbank
Sic Transit Gloria Mundheim, Stephen B. Burbank
The Transformation of American Civil Procedure: The Example of Rule 11, Stephen B. Burbank
Note: Insuring Rule 11 Sanctions, Cary Coglianese
Mark Tushnet on Liberal Constitutional Theory: Mission Impossible, Frank Goodman
Discovery Vices and Trans-Substantive Virtues in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr.
Antitrust's Protected Classes, Herbert Hovenkamp
The Sherman Act and the Classical Theory of Competition, Herbert Hovenkamp
The Antitrust Movement and the Rise of Industrial Organization, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
Legal and Economic Framework for the Analysis of Injury by the U.S. International Trade Commission, Michael Knoll
Taxes and the Absence of Bonds Indexed for Inflation from the U.S. Capital Market, Michael Knoll
The Taxation and Marketing of Price-Level Adjusted Mortgages, Michael Knoll
An Economic Approach to the Determination of Injury Under United States Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Law, Michael S. Knoll
Government "Largesse" and Constitutional Rights: Some Paths Through and Around the Swamp, Seth F. Kreimer
Introducing Criminal Law, Stephen J. Morse
Second-Order Reasons, Uncertainty and Legal Theory, Stephen R. Perry
Antitrust and the Market for Corporate Control, Edward B. Rock
The Qualified Immunity Doctrine in the Supreme Court: Judicial Activism and the Restriction of Constitutional Rights, David Rudovsky
The Uncertain State of an Unstated Rule: Bankruptcy's Contribution Rule Doctrine After Ahlers, David Skeel
Submissions from 1988
Uneasy access: privacy for women in a free society, Anita Allen
Newsmagazines and the Black Agenda, Anita Allen and Jack Daniel
Privacy, Surrogacy, and the Baby M Case, Anita L. Allen
The Federalist's Plain Meaning: Reply to Tushnet, Anita L. Allen
Employer Abuse, Worker Resistance, and the Tort of Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress, Regina Austin
Introduction: "Plus Ca Change...?", Stephen B. Burbank
Of Rules and Discretion: The Supreme Court, Federal Rules and Common Law, Stephen B. Burbank
The Chancellor's Boot, Stephen B. Burbank
Reply to Cornel West, William Ewald
Unger's Philosophy: A Critical Legal Study, William Ewald
Look Before You Leap: Some Cautionary Notes on Civic Republicanism, Michael A. Fitts
The Doctrine of Accommodation in the Jurisprudence of the Religion Clauses, Sarah Barringer Gordon and Arlin M. Adams
Derek Bok and the Merger of Law and Economics, Herbert Hovenkamp
Labor Conspiracies in American Law, Herbert Hovenkamp
Regulatory Conflict in the Gilded Age: Federalism and the Railroad Problem, Herbert Hovenkamp
The Political Economy of Substantive Due Process, Herbert Hovenkamp
Treble Damages Reform, Herbert Hovenkamp
The Classical Corporation in American Legal Thought, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
Uncertainty, Efficiency, and the Brokerage Industry, Michael S. Knoll
Government, Economic Power, and Free Speech: Can The State Buy Silence?, Seth Kreimer
The Mystery and Myth of "Ostensible Ownership" and Article 9 Filing: A Critique of Proposals to Extend Filing Requirements to Leases, Charles W. Mooney Jr.
Treating Crazy People Less Specially, Stephen J. Morse
Four Predictions for the Criminal Law of 2043, Paul H. Robinson
Legality and Discretion in the Distribution of Criminal Sanctions, Paul H. Robinson
The Right to Counsel Under Attack, David Rudovsky
The Law and Economics of Collective Bargaining: An Introduction and Application to the Problems of Subcontracting, Partial Closure, and Relocation, Michael L. Wachter and George M. Cohen
Submissions from 1987
Rethinking the Rules Against Corporate Privacy Rights: Some Conceptual Quandries for the Common Law, Anita L. Allen
Taking Liberties: Privacy, Private Choice, and Social Contract Theory, Anita L. Allen
Gerontology and the Law: A Selected Bibliography, 1948-85 Update, Pauline M. Aranas, Mary Jo Brazil, and Paul M. George
Alternative Career Resolution: An Essay on the Removal of Federal Judges, Stephen B. Burbank
The Costs of Complexity, Stephen B. Burbank
Turf Wars: Federal/State Cooperation and the Reverse Silver Platter Doctrine, Jill Fisch
Antitrust Policy, Restricted Distribution, and the Market for Exclusionary Rights, Herbert Hovenkamp
Chicago and its Alternatives, Herbert Hovenkamp
Fact, Value and Theory in Antitrust Adjudication, Herbert Hovenkamp
Bad Acts and Guilty Minds: Conundrums of the Criminal Law, Leo Katz
Insider Trading: Who Loses?, Leo Katz and Leo Herzel
Next-to-Last Word on Endangered Directors, Leo Katz, Leo Herzel, and Richard Shepro
The crude oil windfall profit tax act of 1980: An economic analysis of its effect on domestic crude oil production, Michael Knoll
United States Antidumping Law: The Case for Reconsideration, Michael Knoll
A Sentencing System for the 21st Century?, Paul H. Robinson
Hybrid Principles for the Distribution of Criminal Sanctions, Paul H. Robinson
Dissenting View of Commissioner Paul H. Robinson to the Proposed Sentencing Guidelines for United State Courts, Paul H. Robinson
Theories of International Regimes, Beth Simmons and Stephan Haggard
Submissions from 1986
Discrimination, Jobs, and Politics, Anita L. Allen
Resistance Tactics for Tokens, Regina Austin
Interjurisdictional Preclusion, Full Faith and Credit and Federal Common Law: A General Approach, Stephen B. Burbank
Proposals to Amend Rule 68 - Time to Abandon Ship, Stephen B. Burbank