Submissions from 1994
A Functional Analysis of Criminal Law, Paul H. Robinson
The Role of Harm and Evil in Criminal Law: A Study in Legislative Deception?, Paul H. Robinson
Are Criminal Codes Irrelevant?, Paul H. Robinson
Controlling the Dark Side of Relational Investing, Edward B. Rock
Practicing Poetry, Teaching Law, David A. Skeel Jr.
Rethinking the Line Between Corporate Law and Corporate Bankruptcy, David A. Skeel Jr.
The Constitutionality of Enjoining Criminal Street Gangs as Public Nuisances, Christopher S. Yoo
Submissions from 1993
Do Children Have a Right to a Certain Identity?, Anita Allen
Removal and the Eleventh Amendment: The Case for District Court Remand Discretion To Avoid a Bifurcated Suit, Mitchell N. Berman
Confronting the Ethical Case Against the Ethical Case for Constituency Rights, William W. Bratton
Self-Regulation, Normative Choice, and the Structure of Corporate Fiduciary Law, William W. Bratton
Ignorance and Procedural Law Reform: A Call for a Moratorium, Stephen B. Burbank
Foreword: The Law of Federal Judicial Discipline and the Lessons of Social Science, Stephen B. Burbank and Sheldon Jay Plager
Mirroring Minds: Faculty Recruitment and Promotion in Japan's Law Faculties, Eric Feldman
Financial Distress as a Non-Cooperative Game: A Proposal for Overcoming Obstacles to Private Workouts, Claire Oakes Finkelstein
As Time Goes By: New Questions About the Statute of Limitations for Rule 10b-5, Jill E. Fisch
Captive Courts: The Destruction of Judicial Decisions by Agreement of the Parties, Jill E. Fisch
From Legitimacy to Logic: Reconstructing Proxy Regulation, Jill E. Fisch
Imprudent Power: Reconsidering U.S. Regulation of Foreign Tender Offers, Jill E. Fisch
Ways to Think About the Unitary Executive: A Comment on Approaches to Government Structure, Michael A. Fitts
The Article 9 Study Committee Report: Strong Signals and Hard Choices, Steven L. Harris and Charles W. Mooney Jr.
Lawyer Liability in Third Party Situations: The Meaning of the Kaye Scholar Case, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr.
Antitrust Policy and the Social Cost of Monopoly, Herbert Hovenkamp
Market Efficiency and the Domain of the Firm, Herbert Hovenkamp
Market Power in Aftermarkets: Antitrust Policy and the Kodak Case, Herbert Hovenkamp
The Marginalist Revolution in Legal Thought, Herbert Hovenkamp
Blackmail and Other Forms of Arm-Twisting, Leo Katz
Perchance to Dream: The Global Economy and the American Dream, Michael S. Knoll
Taxing Prometheus: How the Corporate Interest Deduction Discourages Innovation and Risk-Taking, Michael S. Knoll
"But Whoever Treasures Freedom...": The Right to Travel and Extraterritorial Abortions, Seth F. Kreimer
The Right to Privacy in the Pennsylvania Constitution, Seth F. Kreimer
Good Faith Transferees of U.S. Treasury Securities and Other Weird Ideas: Making Federal Commercial Law, Charles W. Mooney Jr.
Diminished Capacity, Stephen Morse
Crime, Race and Reproduction, Dorothy E. Roberts
Motherhood and Crime, Dorothy E. Roberts
Racism and Patriarchy in the Meaning of Motherhood, Dorothy E. Roberts
Rape, Violence, and Women's Autonomy, Dorothy E. Roberts
Rust v. Sullivan and the Control of Knowledge, Dorothy E. Roberts
Should the Criminal Law Abandon the Actus Reus - Mens Rea Distinction?, Paul Robinson
Foreword: The Criminal-Civil Distinction and Dangerous Blameless Offenders, Paul H. Robinson
Codifying Criminal Law: Do Modern Codes Have It Right?, Paul H. Robinson
Hate Crimes: Crimes of Motive, Character, or Group Terror?, Paul H. Robinson
Labor Law Successorship: A Corporate Law Approach, Edward B. Rock and Michael L. Wachter
Indexing the Tax Code, Reed Shuldiner
Why Innovate? Founding the Bank for International Settlements, 1929-30, Beth Simmons
Markets, Courts, and the Brave New World of Bankruptcy Theory, David A. Skeel Jr.
Submissions from 1992
Legal Issues in Non-Voluntary HIV Testing, Anita Allen
Legal Rights for Poor Blacks, Anita Allen
The Role Model Argument for Faculty Diversity, Anita Allen
Autonomy's Magic Wand: Abortion and Constitutional Interpretation, Anita L. Allen
The Jurisprudence of Jane Eyre, Anita L. Allen
Hobbes, Formalism, and Corrective Justice, Anita L. Allen and Maria H. Morales
Black Women, Sisterhood, and the Difference/Deviance Divide, Regina Austin
"The Black Community," Its Lawbreakers, and a Politics of Identification, Regina Austin
The Economic Structure of the Post-Contractual Corporation, William W. Bratton
Public Values and Corporate Fiduciary Law, William W. Bratton
Federal Judgments Law: Sources of Authority and Sources of Rules, Stephen B. Burbank
State Ethical Codes and Federal Practice: Emerging Conflicts and Suggestions for Reform, Stephen B. Burbank
Bargaining and the Division of Value in Corporate Reorganization, Howard F. Chang and Lucian A. Bebchuk
Japan: AIDS as a "Non-issue", Eric Feldman and S. Yonemoto
Tort Law as a Comparative Institution, Claire Oakes Finkelstein
Controlling Congress: Presidential Influence in Domestic Fiscal Policy, Michael A. Fitts and Robert Inman
Alvin B. Rubin: Man of the Law, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr.
Rationality in Law & Economics, Herbert Hovenkamp
Taxation, Negative Amortization and Affordable Mortgages, Michael S. Knoll
The Law of Choice and Choice of Law: Abortion, the Right to Travel, and Extraterritorial Regulation in American Federalism, Seth F. Kreimer
Being a Teacher, of Lawyers: Discerning the Theory of My Practice, Howard Lesnick
Property, Credit, and Regulation Meet Information Technology: Clearance and Settlement in the Securities Markets, Charles W. Mooney Jr.
The Moral Foundations of Tort Law, Stephen R. Perry
Corporate Law Through an Antitrust Lens, Edward B. Rock
Preaching to Managers, Edward B. Rock
Police Abuse: Can the Violence Be Contained?, David Rudovsky
A General Approach to the Taxation of Financial Instruments, Reed Shuldiner
Consistency and the Taxation of Financial Products, Reed Shuldiner
Corporate Integration: Do the Uncertainties Outweigh the Benefits?, Reed Shuldiner
Notes Toward an Aesthetics of Legal Pragmatism, David A. Skeel Jr.
The Nature and Effect of Corporate Voting in Chapter 11 Reorganization Cases, David A. Skeel Jr.
Submissions from 1991
Reading Afrocentric History, Anita Allen
The Black Surrogate Mother, Anita L. Allen
The Power of Private Facts, Anita L. Allen
Tribe's Judicious Feminism, Anita L. Allen
Black, Brown, Poor & Poisoned: Minority Grassroots Environmentalism and the Quest for Eco-Justice, Regina Austin and Michael H. Schill
The Application of Per Occurrence Limits from Successive Policies, Tom Baker and Eva Orlebeke
The World in Our Courts, Stephen B. Burbank
A Coda on Supplemental Jurisdiction, Stephen B. Burbank, Thomas D. Rowe Jr., and Thomas M. Mengler
Frankenstein's Monster Hits the Campaign Trail: An Approach to Regulation of Corporate Political Expenditures, Jill E. Fisch
Rewriting History: The Propriety of Eradicating Prior Decisional Law Through Settlement and Vacatur, Jill E. Fisch
Start Making Sense: An Analysis and Proposal for Insider Trading Regulation, Jill E. Fisch
Women and Legal Scholarship: A Bibliography, Paul M. George and Susan McGlamery
Enterprise and American Law: 1836-1937, Herbert Hovenkamp
Legal Policy and the Endowment Effect, Herbert Hovenkamp
Mergers and Buyers, Herbert Hovenkamp
A Tax-Induced Clientele for Inde-Linked Bonds: A Comment, Michael Knoll
The Wellsprings of Legal Responses to Inequality: A Perspective on Perspectives, Howard Lesnick
Transfer, Pledge, Clearance and Settlement in the Japanese and United States Securities Markets, Charles W. Mooney Jr. and Atsushi Kiyami
The "Guilty Mind:" Mens Rea, Stephen Morse
The Concept of Normality in the Law, Stephen Morse, Loren H. Roth, and Robert M. Wettstein
Punishing Drug Addicts Who Have Babies: Women of Color, Equality, and the Right of Privacy, Dorothy E. Roberts
The Logic and (Uncertain) Significance of Institutional Shareholder Activism, Edward B. Rock
Compounding or Creating Confusion About Supplemental Jurisdiction? A Reply to Professor Freer, Thomas D. Rowe Jr., Stephen B. Burbank, and Thomas M. Mengler