Submissions from 2006
Policy Analysis for Natural Hazards: Some Cautionary Lessons from Environmental Policy Analysis, Matthew D. Adler
Welfare Polls: A Synthesis, Matthew D. Adler
Popular Constitutionalism and the Rule of Recognition: Whose Practices Ground U.S. Law?, Matthew D. Adler
Disrobed: The Constitution of Modesty, Anita L. Allen
Introduction, Anita L. Allen
Moralizing in Public, Anita L. Allen
Foreword (Documentaries & the Law Symposium Issue): Engaging Documentaries Seriously, Regina Austin
The Next "New Wave": Law Genre Documentaries, Lawyering in Support of the Creative Process, and Visual Legal Advocacy, Regina Austin
Insurance Against Misinformation in the Securities Market, Tom Baker
Offer-of-Judgment Rules and Civil Litigation: An Empirical Study of Automobile Insurance Litigation in the East, Tom Baker and Albert H. Yoon
Common Law Property Metaphors on the Internet: The Real Problem with the Doctrine of Cybertrespass, Shyamkrishna Balganesh
The Uselessness of Public Use, Abraham Bell and Gideon Parchomovsky
Making Sentencing Sensible, Douglas A. Berman and Stephanos Bibas
Aspirational Rights and the Two-Output Thesis, Mitchell N. Berman
Meta-Blackmail and the Evidentiary Theory: Still Taking Motives Seriously, Mitchell N. Berman
The Rehnquist Court's Fifth Amendment Incrementalism, Stephanos Bibas
Transparency and Participation in Criminal Procedure, Stephanos Bibas
Race and Gender in the Law Review, Cynthia Grant Bowman, Dorothy E. Roberts, and Leonard S. Rubinowitz
Supersize Pay, Incentive Compatibility, and the Volatile Shareholder Interest, William W. Bratton
The Equilibrium Content of Corporate Federalism, William W. Bratton and Joseph A. McCahery
Aggregation on the Couch: The Strategic Uses of Ambiguity and Hypocrisy, Stephen B. Burbank
Alternative Career Resolution II: Changing the Tenure of Supreme Court Justices, Stephen B. Burbank
Edward R. Becker: A Man in Full, Stephen B. Burbank
Federalism and Private International Law: Implementing the Hague Choice of Court Convention in the United States, Stephen B. Burbank
An Interdisciplinary Perspective on the Tenure of Supreme Court Justices, Stephen B. Burbank
The Future of International Law is Domestic (or, The European Way of Law), William W. Burke-White and Anne-Marie Slaughter
Citizen Participation in Rulemaking: Past, Present, and Future, Cary Coglianese
Management-Based Strategies for Improving Private Sector Environmental Performance, Cary Coglianese and Jennifer Nash
Tax Practice in a Circular Revolution: A Review of PLI's Circular 230 Deskbook, Bridget J. Crawford
Clogs in the Pipeline: The Mixed Data on Women Directors and Continued Barriers to their Advancement, Lisa Fairfax
The Rhetoric of Corporate Law: The Impact of Stakeholder Rhetoric on Corporate Norms, Lisa Fairfax
The Culture of Legal Change: A Case Study of Tobacco Control in Twenty-First Century Japan, Eric Feldman
The Tuna Court: Law and Norms in the World's Premier Fish Market, Eric Feldman
New Lower Nicotine Cigarettes Produce Compensatory Smoking and Increased Carbon Monoxide Exposure, Eric Feldman, Andrew A. Strasser, Caryn Lerman, Paul M. Sanborn, and Wallace Pickworth
A Reckless Response to Rape: A Reply to Ayres and Baker, Kimberly Kessler Ferzan
Clarifying Consent: Peter Westen's The Logic of Consent, Kimberly Kessler Ferzan
Murder after the Merger: A Commentary on Finkelstein, Kimberly Kessler Ferzan
A Contractarian Argument Against the Death Penalty, Claire Oakes Finkelstein
Hobbes and the Internal Point of View, Claire Oakes Finkelstein
Measuring Efficiency in Corporate Law: The Role of Shareholder Primacy, Jill E. Fisch
Regulatory Responses to Investor Irrationality: The Case of the Research Analyst, Jill E. Fisch
The "Bad Man" Goes to Washington: The Effect of Political Influence on Corporate Duty, Jill E. Fisch
The Essential Role of Securities Regulation, Zohar Goshen and Gideon Parchomovsky
Preemption in the Rehnquist Court: A Preliminary Empirical Assessment, Michael S. Greve and Jonathan Klick
Jury Trial and the Principles of Transnational Civil Procedure, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr.
Responsibilities of Judges and Advocates in Civil and Common Law: Some Lingering Misconceptions Concerning Civil Lawsuits, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr. and Angelo Dondi
Does Religion Really Reduce Crime?, Paul Heaton
The Best Puffery Article Ever, David A. Hoffman
The "Duty" To Be a Rational Shareholder, David A. Hoffman
The Antitrust Enterprise: Principle and Execution: An Introduction, Herbert Hovenkamp
Federalism and Antitrust Reform, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
Standards Ownership and Competition Policy, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
The Law of Exclusionary Pricing, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
Neighbor Billing and Network Neutrality, Gus Hurwitz
The Return of Bargain: An Economic Theory of How Standard Form Contracts Negotiation between Businesses and Consumers, Jason S. Johnston
Choice, Consent, and Cycling: The Hidden Limitations of Consent, Leo Katz
Mandatory Waiting Periods for Abortions and Female Mental Health, Jonathan Klick
Salvation as a Selective Incentive, Jonathan Klick
A Law and Economics Perspective on Terrorism, Jonathan Klick, Nuno Garoupa, and Francesco Parisi
Are Mental Health Insurance Mandates Effective?: Evidence from Suicides, Jonathan Klick and Sara Markowitz
Government Regulation of Irrationality: Moral and Cognitive Hazards, Jonathan Klick and Gregory Mitchell
The Two Dimensions of Regulatory Competition, Jonathan Klick, Francesco Parisi, and Norbert Schulz
Subsidizing Addiction: Do State Health Insurance Mandates Increase Alcohol Consumption?, Jonathan Klick and Thomas Stratmann
Section 83(b) Election for Restricted Stock: A Joint Tax Perspective, Michael S. Knoll
Taxes and Competitiveness, Michael S. Knoll
Censorship by Proxy: The First Amendment, Internet Intermediaries, and the Problem of the Weakest Link, Seth F. Kreimer
The Consciousness of Religion and the Consciousness of Law, With Some Implications for Dialogue, Howard Lesnick
Can Process Cure Substance? A Response to Neal Katyal's "Internal Separation of Powers", Elizabeth Magill
The Strange Career of Jane Crow: Sex Segregation and the Transformation of Anti-Discrimination Discourse, Serena Mayeri
Addiction, Genetics, and Criminal Responsibility, Stephen J. Morse
Brain Overclaim Syndrome and Criminal Responsibility: A Diagnostic Note, Stephen J. Morse
Steel Traps and Unattainable Aspirations: A Comment on Kress, Stephen J. Morse
Deriving Support from International Law for the Right to Counsel in Civil Cases, Sarah Paoletti
Making Visible the Invisible: Strategies for Responding to Globalization's Impact on Immigrant Workers in the United States, Sarah Paoletti
Hart on Social Rules and the Foundations of Law: Liberating the Internal Point of View, Stephen R. Perry
Gay Marriage, Public Opinion and the Courts, Nathaniel Persily
The Place of Competition in American Election Law, in the Marketplace of Democracy, Nathaniel Persily
Beyond Kelo: Thinking About Urban Development in the 21st Century, Wendell E. Pritchett
Legal Constraints on the Use of Race in Biomedical Research: Toward a Social Justice Framework, Dorothy Roberts
Victims and Villains in Murder by Abortion Cases from Turn-of-the-Twentieth-Century Chicago, Dorothy Roberts and Carolyn Frazier
Restorative Processes & Doing Justice, Paul H. Robinson
Codifying Shari'a: International Norms, Legality & the Freedom to Invent New Forms, Paul H. Robinson, Adnan Zulfiqar, Margaret Kammerud, Michael Orchowski, Elizabeth A. Gerlach, Adam L. Pollock, Thomas M. O'Brien, John C. Lin, Tom Stenson, Negar Katirai, J. John Lee, and Marc Aaron Melzer
Forget the Fundamentals: Fixing Substantive Due Process, Kermit Roosevelt III
Gonzales v. Oregon and the Supreme Court’s (Re)Turn to Constitutional Theory, Theodore Ruger
Preempting the People: The Judicial Role in Regulatory Concurrency and Its Implications for Popular Lawmaking, Theodore Ruger
The Chief Justice's Special Authority and the Norms of Judicial Power, Theodore Ruger
Introduction: The International Diffusion of Liberalism, Beth Simmons, Frank Dobbin, and Geoffrey Garrett
European Implications of Bankruptcy Venue Shopping in the U.S., David A. Skeel Jr.
Recharacterization and the Nonhindrance of Creditors, David A. Skeel Jr. and Georg Krause-Vilmar
Christianity and the (Modest) Rule of Law, David A. Skeel Jr. and William J. Stuntz
Constitutional Decision Rules for Juries, Catherine T. Struve
Patenting adverse event information: A commentary from the patent law, R. Polk Wagner
Network Neutrality and the Economics of Congestion, Christopher S. Yoo
Submissions from 2005
Equity Analysis and Natural Hazards Policy, Matthew D. Adler
QALYs and Policy Evaluation: A New Perspective, Matthew D. Adler
Against 'Individual Risk': A Sympathetic Critique of Risk Assessment, Matthew D. Adler
Liability Insurance as Tort Regulation: Six Ways that Liability Insurance Shapes Tort Law in Action, Tom Baker
Medical Malpractice and the Insurance Underwriting Cycle, Tom Baker