Submissions from 2005
The Conservative's Dilemma: Traditional Institutions, Social Change, and Same-Sex Marriage, Amy L. Wax
Interest Analysis in Interjurisdictional Marriage Disputes, Tobias Barrington Wolff
Preclusion in Class Action Litigation, Tobias Barrington Wolff
The Pimple on Adonis's Nose: A Dialogue on the Concept of Merit in the Affirmative Action Debate, Tobias Barrington Wolff and Robert Paul Wolff
Architectural Censorship and the FCC, Christopher S. Yoo
Beyond Network Neutrality, Christopher S. Yoo
The Unitary Executive in the Modern Era, 1945–2004, Christopher S. Yoo, Steven G. Calabresi, and Anthony J. Colangelo
Submissions from 2004
Fear Assessment: Cost-Benefit Analysis and the Pricing of Fear and Anxiety, Matthew D. Adler
Race, Face, and Rawls, Anita L. Allen
Back to Basics: Returning to the Matter of Black Inferiority and White Supremacy in the Post-Brown Era, Regina Austin
Kwanzaa and the Commodification of Black Culture, Regina Austin
Of Predatory Lending and the Democratization of Credit: Preserving the Social Safety Net of Informality in Small-Loan Transactions, Regina Austin
"The Shame of It All": Stigma and the Political Disenfranchisement of Formerly Convicted and Incarcerated Persons, Regina Austin
Insuring Liability Risks, Tom Baker
Meet Your New Insured: Successors’ Rights to Insurance Assets in Corporate Transactions, Tom Baker, John Buchanan, and Marianna Horton
The Virtues of Uncertainty in Law: An Experimental Approach, Tom Baker, Alon Harel, and Tamar Kugler
Copyright and Free Expression: The Convergence of Conflicting Normative Frameworks, Shyamkrishna Balganesh
Intellectual Property Law and the Boundaries of the Firm, Oren Bar-Gill and Gideon Parchomovsky
Evaluating Environmental Policies, Lori Snyder Bennear and Cary Coglianese
Constitutional Decision Rules, Mitchell N. Berman
Guillen and Gullibility: Piercing the Surface of Commerce Clause Doctrine, Mitchell N. Berman
Blakely's Federal Aftermath, Stephanos Bibas
Plea Bargaining Outside the Shadow of Trial, Stephanos Bibas
The Feeney Amendment and the Continuing Rise of Prosecutorial Power to Plea Bargain, Stephanos Bibas
Integrating Remorse and Apology into Criminal Procedure, Stephanos Bibas and Richard A. Bierschbach
Inside the Black Box: How Should a Sovereign Bankruptcy Regime be Structured?, PATRICK BOLTON and David A. Skeel Jr.
Pari Passu and a Distressed Sovereign's Rational Choices, William W. Bratton
Rules, Principles, and the Accounting Crisis in the United States, William W. Bratton
Sovereign Debt Reform and the Interest of Creditors, William W. Bratton and G. Mitu Gulati
Procedure, Politics and Power: The Role of Congress, Stephen B. Burbank
Vanishing Trials and Summary Judgment in Federal Civil Cases: Drifting Towards Bethlehem or Gomorrah?, Stephen B. Burbank
Human Rights and National Security: The Strategic Correlation, William W. Burke-White
Risk Regulation, Endogenous Public Concerns, and the Hormones Dispute: Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself?, Howard F. Chang
E-Rulemaking: Information Technology and the Regulatory Process, Cary Coglianese
Does Consensus Make Common Sense? An Analysis of EPA’s Common Sense Initiative, Cary Coglianese and Laurie Allen
The Role of Government in Corporate Governance, Cary Coglianese, Elizabeth K. Keating, Michael L. Michael, and Thomas J. Healey
Shifting Sands: The Limits of Science in Setting Risk Standards, Cary Coglianese and Gary E. Marchant
The EPA's Risky Reasoning, Cary Coglianese and Gary E. Marchant
Seeking Truth for Power: Informational Strategy and Regulatory Policy Making, Cary Coglianese, Richard Zeckhauser, and Edward A. Parson
Asia’s Shifting Strategic Landscape: SARS, Greater China, and the Pathologies of Globalization and Transition, Jacques deLisle
Atypical Pneumonia and Ambivalent Law and Politics: SARS and the Response to SARS in China, Jacques deLisle
Democratization and Its Limits in Greater China, Jacques deLisle
The Common Law of Causation in Tort and Questions of Policy and Institutions in the Development of Chinese Tort Law, Jacques deLisle
Hong Kong's Endgame and the Rule of Law (II): The Battle over the People and the Business Community in the Transition to Chinese Rule (The Journal in Review: A Look Back at Twenty-Five Years of The University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law), Jacques deLisle and Kevin P. Lane
Hong Kong's Endgame and the Rule of Law (I): The Struggle over Institutions and Values in the Transition to Chinese Rule (The Journal in Review: A Look Back at Twenty-Five Years of The University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law), Jacques deLisle and Kevin P. Lane
The Impact of the Protestant Revolutions on the Western Legal Tradition, William Ewald
Achieving the Double Bottom Line: A Framework for Corporations Seeking to Deliver Profit and a PublicBenefit, Lisa Fairfax
Defending Imminence: From Battered Women to Iraq, Kimberly Kessler Ferzan
Some Sound and Fury from Kaplow and Shavell, Kimberly Kessler Ferzan
Torture, Necessity, and the Union of Law & Philosophy, Kimberly Kessler Ferzan
The New Federal Regulation of Corporate Governance, Jill E. Fisch
Vultures or Vanguards?: The Role of Litigation in Sovereign Debt Restructuring, Jill E. Fisch and Caroline M. Gentile
Words That Heal, Douglas N. Frenkel and Carol B. Liebman
The Unfortunate Life and Merciful Death of the Avoidance Powers Under Section 103 of the Durbin-Delahunt Bill: What Were They Thinking?, Steven L. Harris and Charles W. Mooney Jr.
"Announcement" By Federal Judicial Nominees, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr.
Lawyer for the Situation, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr.
A New Player in the Boardroom: The Emergence of the Independent Directors' Counsel, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr. and Edward B. Rock
Antitrust and the Regulatory Enterprise, Herbert Hovenkamp
Sensible Antitrust Rules for Pharmaceutical Competition, Herbert Hovenkamp
United States Antitrust Policy in an Age of IP Expansion, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
Balancing Ease and Accuracy in Assessing Pharmaceutical Exclusion Payments, Herbert Hovenkamp, Mark D. Janis, and Mark A. Lemley
Lawsuit Abandonment Options in Possibly Frivolous Litigation Games, Peter H. Huang
Our Corporate Federalism and the Shape of Corporate Law, Marcel Kahan and Edward B. Rock
Econometric Analyses of U.S. Abortion Policy: A Critical Review, Jonathan Klick
The Tax Efficiency of Stock-Based Compensation, Michael S. Knoll
Watching the Watchers: Surveillance, Transparency, and Political Freedom in the War on Terror, Seth F. Kreimer
Agency Choice of Policymaking Form, Elizabeth Magill
The Revolution that Wasn't, Elizabeth Magill
General and Specific Legal Rules, Paul G. Mahoney and Chris William Sanchirico
Constitutional Choices: Legal Feminism and the Historical Dynamics of Change, Serena Mayeri
A Normative Theory of Bankruptcy Law: Bankruptcy as (is) Civil Procedure, Charles W. Mooney Jr.
Medicine and Morals, Craving and Compulsion, Stephen J. Morse
New Neuroscience, Old Problems: Legal Implications of Brain Science, Stephen J. Morse
Preventive Confinement of Dangerous Offenders, Stephen J. Morse
Reason, Results, and Criminal Responsibility, Stephen J. Morse
The Recently Revised Marriage Law of China: The Promise and the Reality, Charles J. Ogletree Jr. and Rangita de Silva de Alwis
Selling Mayberry: Communities and Individuals in Law and Economics, Gideon Parchomovsky and Peter Siegelman
Functional Law and Economics: The Search for Value-Neutral Principles of Lawmaking, Francesco Parisi and Jonathan Klick
Perceptions of Corruption and Campaign Finance: When Public Opinion Determines Constitutional Law, Nathaniel Persily and Kelli Lammie
The Social and Moral Cost of Mass Incarceration in African American Communities, Dorothy E. Roberts
Welfare Reform and Economic Freedom: Low-Income Mothers' Decisions about Work at Home and in the Market, Dorothy E. Roberts
Criminal Justice in the Information Age: A Punishment Theory Paradox, Paul H. Robinson
Does Criminal Law Deter? A Behavioral Science Investigation, Paul H. Robinson
"A Question Which Convulses a Nation": The Early Republic's Greatest Debate About the Judicial Review Power, Theodore Ruger
The Judicial Appointment Power of the Chief Justice, Theodore Ruger
The Supreme Court Federalizes Managed Care Liability, Theodore Ruger
Competing Approaches to Predicting Supreme Court Decision Making, Theodore Ruger, Pauline T. Kim, Andrew D. Martin, and Kevin M. Quinn
Supreme Court Forecasting Project: Legal and Political Science Approaches to Supreme Court Decision-Making, Theodore Ruger, Pauline T. Kim, Andrew D. Martin., and Kevin M. Quinn
A Realpolitik Defense of Social Rights, Kim Lane Scheppele
Constitutional Ethnography: An Introduction, Kim Lane Scheppele
Law in a Time of Emergency, Kim Lane Scheppele
Other People's PATRIOT Acts: Europe's Response to September 11, Kim Lane Scheppele
The Globalization of Liberalization: Policy Diffusion in the International Political Economy, Beth Simmons and Zachary Elkins
Bankruptcy's Home Economics, David A. Skeel Jr.
Racial Dimensions of Credit and Bankruptcy, David A. Skeel Jr.
The Past, Present and Future of Debtor-in-Possession Financing, David A. Skeel Jr.
Improving the Medical Malpractice Litigation Process, Catherine Struve
Doctors, the Adversary System, and Proceudral Reform in Medical Liability Litigation, Catherine T. Struve
Tribal Immunity and Tribal Courts, Catherine T. Struve
Exactly Backwards: Exceptionalism and the Federal Circuit, Polk Wagner