Submissions from 2009
Medical Hope, Legal Pitfalls: Potential Legal Issues in the Emerging Field of Oncofertility, Gregory Dolin, Dorothy E. Roberts, Lina M. Rodriguez, and Teresa K. Woodruff
The Perils of Forgetting Fairness, Michael B. Dorff and Kimberly Kessler Ferzan
Delaware’s New Proxy Access: Much Ado About Nothing?, Lisa Fairfax
The Future of Shareholder Democracy, Lisa Fairfax
The Legal Origins Theory in Crisis, Lisa Fairfax
Law Across Borders: What Can the United States Learn from Japan?, Eric Feldman
Law, Society, and Medical Malpractice Litigation in Japan, Eric Feldman
Why Patients Sue Doctors: The Japanese Experience, Eric Feldman
The Structure of Criminal Law, Kimberly Kessler Ferzan
Cause for Concern: Causation and Federal Securities Fraud, Jill E. Fisch
Confronting the Circularity Problem in Private Securities Litigation, Jill E. Fisch
Top Cop or Regulatory Flop? The SEC at 75, Jill E. Fisch
The Pace of International Criminal Justice, Jean Galbraith
State Finance in Times of Crisis, Brian Galle and Jonathan Klick
Passive Discrimination: When Does it Make Sense to Pay Too Little?, Jonah B. Gelbach, Jonathan Klick, and Lesley Wexler
Justifying Killing in Self-Defence, Arlette Grabczynska and Kimberly Kessler Ferzan
Legal and Managerial "Cultures" in Corporate Representation, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr.
Toward a Revised 4.2 No-Contact Rule, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr.
Does Anyone Get Stopped at the Gate? An Empirical Assessment of the Daubert Trilogy in the States, Eric Helland and Jonathan Klick
The Relation between Regulation and Class Actions: Evidence from the Insurance Industry, Eric Helland and Jonathan Klick
Wikitruth Through Wikiorder, David A. Hoffman and Salil K. Mehra
The Viability of Antitrust Price Squeeze Claims, Erik Hovenkamp and Herbert J. Hovenkamp
Analyzing Horizontal Mergers: Unilateral Effects in Product-Differentiated Markets, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
Mergers and Market Dominance, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
Neoclassicism and the Separation of Ownership and Control, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
Patents, Property, and Competition Policy, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
The Neal Report and the Crisis in Antitrust, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
United States Competition Policy in Crisis: 1890-1955, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
Complex Bundled Discounts and Antitrust Policy, Herbert J. Hovenkamp and Erik Hovenkamp
Indexing Health Insurance to Marginal Health Status: A Spoonful of Economics Helps the Premiums Go Down, Gus Hurwitz
Problems of Equity and Efficiency in the Design of International Greenhouse Gas Cap-and-Trade Schemes, Jason S. Johnston
Whose Eyes Are You Going to Believe? Scott v. Harris and the Perils of Cognitive Illiberalism, Dan M. Kahan, David A. Hoffman, and Donald Braman
Hedge Fund Activism in the Enforcement of Bondholder Rights, Marcel Kahan and Edward B. Rock
How to Prevent Hard Cases from Making Bad Law: Bear Stearns, Delaware and the Strategic Use of Comity, Marcel Kahan and Edward B. Rock
Transparency should trump trust: Rejoinder to McConnell and Leibold (2009) and Ziegert and Hanges (2009), Jonathan Klick, Hart Blanton, James Jaccard, and Barbara Mellers
Federalism, Variation, and State Regulation of Franchise Termination, Jonathan Klick, Bruce Kobayashi, and Larry Ribstein
Samuel Zell, the Chicago Tribune, and the Emergence of the S ESOP: Understanding the Tax Advantages and Disadvantages of S ESOPs, Michael S. Knoll
Taxation and the Competitiveness of Sovereign Wealth Funds: Do Taxes Encourage Sovereign Wealth Funds to Invest in the United States?, Michael S. Knoll
Agency Self-Regulation, Elizabeth Magill
Standing for the Public: A Lost History, Elizabeth Magill
A New E.R.A. or a New Era? Amendment Advocacy and the Reconstitution of Feminism, Serena Mayeri
The Irreducibly Normative Nature of Provocation/Passion, Stephen J. Morse
Transnational Responses to Transnational Exploitation: A Proposal for Bi-National Migrant Rights Clinics Anniversary Contributions - International Human Rights, Sarah H. Paoletti
Originality, Gideon Parchomovsky and Alex Stein
Reconceptualizing Trespass, Gideon Parchomovsky and Alex Stein
Beyond Fair Use, Gideon Parchomovsky and Philip J. Weiser
Citizens Not United: The Lack of Stockholder Voluntariness in CorporatePolitical Speech, Elizabeth Pollman
Strengthening Special Committees, Elizabeth Pollman
Delaware Alternative Entities - The Benefits and Burdens of Contractual Flexibility, Norman Powell
Race, Gender, and Genetic Technologies: A New Reproductive Dystopia?, Dorothy E. Roberts
A Right to Bear Firearms but Not to Use Them? Defensive Force Rules and the Increasing Effectiveness of Non-Lethal Weapons, Paul H. Robinson
A System of Excuses: How Criminal Law’s Excuse Defenses Do, and Don’t, Work Together to Exculpate Blameless (And Only Blameless) Offenders, Paul H. Robinson
The General Counsel of a Nonprofit Enterprise: Some Questions, Edward B. Rock
The Indivisible Constitution, Kermit Roosevelt III
Custom, Comedy, and the Value of Dissent, Jennifer E. Rothman
A Theory of Discipline for Professional Misconduct, Nadia N. Sawicki
Civil Rights in International Law: Compliance with Aspects of the ‘International Bill of Rights’, Beth Simmons
Should States Ratify? – Process and Consequences of the Optional Protocol to the ICESCR, Beth Simmons
Bankruptcy Boundary Games, David A. Skeel Jr.
Bankruptcy Phobia, David A. Skeel Jr.
Competing Narratives in Corporate Bankruptcy: Debtor in Control vs. No Time To Spare, David A. Skeel Jr.
Power, Protocol and Practicality: Communications from the District Court During an Appeal, Catherine T. Struve
Understanding Patent-Quality Mechanisms, R. Polk Wagner
Basic Income or Caretaker Benefits?, Amy Wax
Norm Change or Judicial Decree? The Courts, the Public, and Welfare Reform, Amy L. Wax
The Family Law Doctrine of Equivalence, Amy L. Wax
Lessons Learned: Transferring the European Union's Experience with Energy Efficiency Policy to China, Shelley Welton
Moral Judgment and Moral Heuristics in Breach of Contract, Tess Wilkinson-Ryan
The Sucker Norm, Tess Wilkinson-Ryan
Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sensible Pragmatism in Federal Jurisdictional Policy, Tobias Barrington Wolff
The Convergence of Broadcasting and Telephony: Legal and Regulatory Implications, Christopher S. Yoo
Submissions from 2008
Understanding High Skill Worker Productivity Using Random Case Assignment in a Public Defender's Office, David S. Abrams and Albert H. Yoon
Bounded Rationality and Legal Scholarship, Matthew D. Adler
Risk Equity: A New Proposal, Matthew D. Adler
Introducing a "Different Lives" Approach to the Valuation of Health and Well-Being, Matthew D. Adler and Paul Dolan
Happiness Research and Cost-Benefit Analysis, Matthew D. Adler and Eric Posner
Culpable Acts of Risk Creation, Larry Alexander and Kimberly Kessler Ferzan
Dredging Up the Past: Lifelogging, Memory and Surveillance, Anita L. Allen
The Virtuous Spy: Privacy as an Ethical Limit, Anita L. Allen
Undressing Difference: The Hijab in the West, Anita L. Allen
Unpopular Privacy: The Case for Government Mandates, Anita L. Allen
Situated Black Women’s Voices in/on the Profession of Philosophy, Anita Allen, Donna-Dale Marcano, and Michelle Moody-Adams
The Accidental Promise: Remaking the Law of Misrepresented Intent, Aditi Bagchi
Varieties of Employee Ownership: Some Unintended Consequences of Corporate Law and Labor Law, Aditi Bagchi
Hate Speech, C. Edwin Baker
Embracing Risk, Sharing Responsibility, Tom Baker
Liability Insurance, Moral Luck, and Auto Accidents, Tom Baker
Demystifying the Right to Exclude: Of Property, Inviolability, and Automatic Injunctions, Shyamkrishna Balganesh
The Social Costs of Property Rights in Broadcast (and Cable) Signals, Shyamkrishna Balganesh
Reconfiguring Property in Three Dimensions, Abraham Bell and Gideon Parchomovsky
Engaging Capital Emotions, Douglas A. Berman and Stephanos Bibas
The Heart Has Its Value: The Death Penalty's Justifiable Persistence, Douglas A. Berman and Stephanos Bibas
Punishment and Justification, Mitchell N. Berman
Exacerbating Injustice, Stephanos Bibas
Invasions of Conscience and Faked Apologies, Stephanos Bibas
Judicial Fact-Finding at Sentencing, Stephanos Bibas
Political Versus Administrative Justice, Stephanos Bibas
The Sixth Amendment and Criminal Sentencing, Stephanos Bibas and Susan R. Klein
Environmental Leadership Programs: Toward an Empirical Assessment of their Performance*, Jonathan C. Borck, Cary Coglianese, and Jennifer Nash
Evaluating the Social Effects of Environmental Leadership Programs, Jonathan C. Borck, Cary Coglianese, and Jennifer Nash