Submissions from 2005
The Medical Malpractice Myth, Tom Baker
A Theory of Property, Abraham Bell and Gideon Parchomovsky
Bargaining for Takings Compensation, Abraham Bell and Gideon Parchomovsky
Of Property and Federalism, Abraham Bell and Gideon Parchomovsky
Lesser Evils and Justification: A Less Close Look, Mitchell N. Berman
Managing Gerrymandering, Mitchell N. Berman
Originalism and Formalism in Criminal Procedure: The Triumph of Justice Scalia, the Unlikely Friend of Criminal Defendants?, Stephanos Bibas
Regulating Local Variations in Federal Sentencing, Stephanos Bibas
The Blakely Earthquake Exposes the Procedure/Substance Fault Line, Stephanos Bibas
The Story of Brady v. Maryland: From Adversarial Gamesmanship Toward the Search for Innocence?, Stephanos Bibas
White-Collar Plea Bargaining and Sentencing After Booker, Stephanos Bibas
Excerpts from the Future of American Sentencing: A National Roundtable on Blakely, Stephanos Bibas, Ronald Allen, Albert Alschuler, and Michael R. Dreeben
Redesigning the International Lender of Last Resort, PATRICK BOLTON and David A. Skeel Jr.
The New Dividend Puzzle, William W. Bratton
Judicial Accountability to the Past, Present, and Future: Precedent, Politics and Power, Stephen B. Burbank
Complementarity in Practice: The International Criminal Court as Part of a System of Multi-Level Global Governance in the Democratic Republic of Congo, William W. Burke-White
Human Rights in the Inter-American System, William W. Burke-White
International Legal Pluralism, William W. Burke-White
Environmental Trade Measures, the Shrimp-Turtle Rulings, and the Ordinary Meaning of the Text of the GATT, Howard F. Chang
Do Institutions Matter? The Impact of the Lead Plaintiff Provision of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act, Stephen Choi, Jill E. Fisch, and A. C. Pritchard
The Internet and Citizen Participation in Rulemaking, Cary Coglianese
Unifying Rulemaking Information: Recommendations on the New Federal Docket Management System, Cary Coglianese
Measuring Progress: Program Evaluation of Environmental Policies, Cary Coglianese and Lori Bennear
Spare the Rod, Spoil the Director?: Revitalizing Director Fiduciary Duty Through Legal Liability, Lisa Fairfax
The Bottom Line on Board Diversity: A Cost Benefit Analysis of the Business Rationales for Diversity onCorporate Boards, Lisa Fairfax
Justifying Self-Defense, Kimberly Kessler Ferzan
Responsibility for Unintended Consequences, Claire Oakes Finkelstein
What Personal Rules Can Teach Us About Basic Institutions, Claire Oakes Finkelstein
How Do Corporations Play Politics? The FedEx Story, Jill E. Fisch
Unleashing a Gatekeeper: Why the SEC Should Mandate Disclosure of Details Concerning Directors' and Officers' Liability Insurance Policies, Sean J. Griffith
The Fair Value of Cornfields in Delaware Appraisal Law, Lawrence Hamermesh and Michael L. Wachter
Advertising and Intermediaries in Provision of Legal Services: Bates in Retrospect and Prospect, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr.
Imputed Conflicts of Interest in International Law Practice, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr.
Law, Ethics and Mystery, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr.
"Lawyers for Lawyers": The Emerging Role of Law Firm Legal Counsel, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr.
Oil for What?—Illicit Iraqi Oil Contracts and the U.N. Security Council, Paul Heaton
Data Watch: Tort-Uring the Data, Erik Helland, Jonathan Klick, and Alexander Tabarrok
Exclusion and the Sherman Act, Herbert Hovenkamp
Law and Economics in the United States: A Brief Historical Survey, Herbert Hovenkamp
Discounts and Exclusions, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
IP and Antitrust Policy: A Brief Historical Overview, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
Moody Investing and the Supreme Court: Rethinking the Materiality of Information and the Reasonableness of Investors, Peter H. Huang
Signaling Social Responsibility: On the Law and Economics of Market Incentives for Corporate Environmental Performance, Jason S. Johnston
The Promise and Limits of Voluntary Management - Based Regulatory Reform: An Analysis of EPA's Strategic Goals Program, Jason S. Johnston
The Rule of Capture and the Economic Dynamics of Natural Resource Use and Survival under Open Access Management Regimes, Jason S. Johnston
Tradable Pollution Permits and the Regulatory Game, Jason S. Johnston
Symbiotic Federalism and the Structure of Corporate Law, Marcel Kahan and Edward B. Rock
Why Defer to Managers? A Strong-Form Efficiency Model, Richard E. Kihlstrom and Michael L. Wachter
Limited Autocracy, Jonathan Klick
The Microfoundations of Standard Form Contracts: Price Discrimination vs. Behavioral Bias, Jonathan Klick
Intra-Jurisdictional Tax Competition, Jonathan Klick and Francesco Parisi
Wealth, Utility, and the Human Dimension, Jonathan Klick and Francesco Parisi
The IOM Report: Too Quick to Diagnose Bias, Jonathan Klick and Sally Satel
Using Terror Alert Levels to Estimate the Effect of Police on Crime, Jonathan Klick and Alexander Tabarrok
Regulatory Arbitrage Using Put-Call Parity, Michael Knoll
The Calculation of Prejudgment Interest, Michael S. Knoll and Jeffrey M. Colon
Torture Lite, Full-Bodied Torture, and the Insulation of Legal Conscience, Seth F. Kreimer
Truth Machines and Consequences: The Light and Dark Sides of 'Accuracy' in Criminal Justice, Seth F. Kreimer
The Residency Match: Competitive Restraints in an Imperfect World, Kristin Madison
Images of Representation, Elizabeth Magill
Patent Portfolios, Gideon Parchomovsky and R. Polk Wagner
When Judges Carve Democracies: A Primer on Court-Drawn Redistricting Plans, Nathaniel Persily
Regulating Democracy Through Democracy: The Use of Direct Legislation in Election Law Reform, Nathaniel Persily and Melissa Cully Anderson
Ongoing Searching and Filing Issues under Article 9, Norman Powell
Identity Politics, Past and Present, Wendell Pritchett
A National Issue: Segregation in the District of Columbia and the Civil Rights Movement at Mid-Century, Wendell E. Pritchett
Black Club Women and Child Welfare: Lessons for Modern Reform, Dorothy E. Roberts
Privatization and Punishment in the New Era of Reprogenetics, Dorothy E. Roberts
The Community Dimension of State Child Protection, Dorothy E. Roberts
Fair Notice and Fair Adjudication: Two Kinds of Legality, Paul H. Robinson
Justification Defenses in Situations of Unavoidable Uncertainty: A Reply to Professor Ferzan, Paul H. Robinson
The Accelerating Degradation of American Criminal Codes, Paul H. Robinson and Michael T. Cahill
Sentencing Decisions: Matching the Decisionmaker to the Decision Nature, Paul H. Robinson and Barbara A. Spellman
The Corporate Form as a Solution to a Discursive Dilemma, Edward B. Rock
Constitutional Calcification: How the Law Becomes What the Court Does, Kermit Roosevelt III
Guantanamo and the Conflict of Laws: Rasul and Beyond, Kermit Roosevelt III
Justice Scalia's Constitution--and Ours, Kermit Roosevelt III
Resolving Renvoi: The Bewitchment of Our Intelligence by Means of Language, Kermit Roosevelt III
States as Speakers, Kermit Roosevelt
Initial Interest Confusion: Standing at the Crossroads of Trademark Law, Jennifer E. Rothman
Dangerous Clients: A Phenomenological Solution to Bureaucratic Oppression, Edward L. Rubin
Running in Place: The Paradox of Expanding Rights and Restricted Remedies, David Rudovsky
Justice Harry Blackmun and the Phenomenon of Judicial Preference Change, Theodore Ruger
The United States Supreme Court and Health Law: The Year in Review, Theodore Ruger
Unfinished Business: The Fading Promise of ADA Enforcement in the Federal Courts Under Title I and its Impact on the Poor, Louis S. Rulli and Jason A. Leckerman
Rules over Real Estate: Trade, Territorial Conflict, and International Borders as Institutions, Beth Simmons
On Waves, Clusters, and Diffusion: A Conceptual Framework, Beth Simmons and Zachary Elkins
Power Plays and Capacity Constraints: The Selection of Defendants in WTO Disputes, Beth Simmons and Andrew Guzman
The Constraining Power of International Treaties, Beth Simmons and Daniel Hopkins
Icarus and American Corporate Regulation, David Skeel
Corporate Shaming Revisited: An Essay for Bill Klein, David A. Skeel Jr.
"Sovereignty" Issues and the Church Bankruptcy Cases, David A. Skeel Jr.
Network Regulation: The Many Faces of Access, Daniel F. Spulber and Christopher S. Yoo
On the Regulation of Networks as Complex Systems: A Graph Theory Approach, Daniel F. Spulber and Christopher S. Yoo
The FDA and the Tort System: Postmarketing Surveillance, Compensation, and the Role of Litigation, Catherine T. Struve
Theories of the Employment Relationship: Choosing between Norms and Contracts, Michael L. Wachter
Reconsidering the DMCA, R. Polk Wagner
The Perfect Storm: Intellectual Property and Public Values, R. Polk Wagner