Submissions from 2019
Measuring Norms and Normative Contestation: The Case of International Criminal Law Get access Arrow, Beth A. Simmons and Hyeran Jo
Christianity and Bankruptcy, David A. Skeel Jr.
Notes from the Puerto Rico Oversight (Not Control) Board 34th Pileggi Lecture, David A. Skeel Jr.
Rulers or Rules? International Law, Elite Cues and Public Opinion, Anton Strezhnev, Beth A. Simmons, and Matthew D. Kim
Citizens United as Bad Corporate Law, Leo E. Strine Jr. and Jonathan Macey
Procedure in Context, Catherine T. Struve
Administrative Constitutionalism at the "Borders of Belonging": Drawing on History to Expand the Archive and Change the Lens, Karen M. Tani
Capturing Regulatory Agendas?: An Empirical Study Of Industry Use Of Rulemaking Petitions, Daniel Walters
The Self-Delegation False Alarm: Analyzing Auer Deference's Effect on Agency Rules, Daniel E. Walters
The Dynamism of Treaties, Yanbai Andrea Wang
Clean Energy Justice: Charting an Emerging Agenda, Shelley Welton and Joel B. Eisen
Fiduciary Law and Psychology, Tess Wilkinson-Ryan
Requiem for a Paradox: The Dubious Rise and Inevitable Fall of Hipster Antitrust, Joshua D. Wright, Elyse Dorsey, Jonathan Klick, and Jan M. Rybnicek
Due Process in International Antitrust Enforcement: An Idea Whose Time Has Come, Christopher S. Yoo
“Everything Not Forbidden Is Permitted”: A U.S. Perspective on Regulation and Innovation, Christopher S. Yoo
Free or Fee?: The Economics of Advertising Support vs. Direct Payments for Media Content, Christopher S. Yoo
Intellectual Property and the Economics of Product Differentiation, Christopher S. Yoo
James Wilson as the Architect of the American Presidency, Christopher S. Yoo
Rethinking Copyright and Personhood, Christopher S. Yoo
The Emerging Internet of Things, Christopher S. Yoo
5G and Net Neutrality, Christopher S. Yoo and Jesse Lambert
Procedural Fairness in Antitrust Enforcement: The U.S. Perspective, Christopher S. Yoo and Hendrik M. Wendland
Submissions from 2018
The Contribution of the Social Sciences to Policy and Institutional Change, Matthew Adler, Helga Nowotny, Cary Coglianese, Sheila Jasanoff, Ravi Kanbur, Brian Levy, Ole F. Norheim, Johan Schot, Simon Schwartzman, Christiane Spiel, and Shana Starobin
Still Uneasy: A Life with Privacy, Anita L. Allen
A Dose of Color, A Dose of Reality: Contextualizing Intentional Tort Actions with Black Documentaries, Regina Austin
The Loving Story: Using a Documentary to Reconsider the Status of an Iconic Interracial Married Couple, Regina Austin
Regulating Robo Advice Across the Financial Services Industry, Tom Baker and Benedict G. C. Dellaert
Copyright as Market Prospect, Shyamkrishna Balganesh
Arguing with Friends, William Baude and Ryan D. Doerfler
Does filler database size influence identification accuracy?, Amanda N. Bergold and Paul Heaton
Review of Leo Zaibert, Rethinking Punishment, Mitchell Berman
Our Principled Constitution, Mitchell N. Berman
Petitioning and the Making of the Administrative State, Maggie Blackhawk
The New Bond Workouts, William W. Bratton and Adam J. Levitin
Foreword: Bankruptcy’s New and Old Frontiers, William W. Bratton and David A. Skeel Jr.
Rights and Retrenchment in the Trump Era, Stephen B. Burbank and Sean Farhang
Class Actions, Statutes of Limitations and Repose, and Federal Common Law, Stephen B. Burbank and Tobias Barrington Wolff
The Shifting Tides of Merger Litigation, Matthew D. Cain, Jill E. Fisch, Steven Davidoff Solomon, and Randall S. Thomas
The Economics of Immigration Reform, Howard F. Chang
Improving Regulatory Analysis at Independent Agencies, Cary Coglianese
Optimizing Regulation for an Optimizing Economy, Cary Coglianese
Learning What Works in Regulation, Cary Coglianese and Todd Rubin
The Dynamic Impact of Periodic Review on Women’s Rights, Cosette D. Creamer and Beth A. Simmons
The Quiet Undoing: How Regional Electricity Market Reforms Threaten State Clean EnergyGoals, Danny Cullenward and Shelley Welton
Innovation and Tradition: A Survey of Intellectual Property and Technology Legal Clinics, Cynthia L. Dahl and Victoria F. Phillips
China's Rise, the U.S., and the WTO: Perspectives from International Relations Theory, Jacques deLisle
International Law in US-China Relations: Trade Wars and Maritime Rights in the Era of Xi and Trump, Jacques DeLisle
The Chinese Model of Law, China’s Agenda in International Law, and Implications for Democracy in Asia and Beyond, Jacques DeLisle
United States-Taiwan Relations: Tsai’s Presidency and Washington’s Policy, Jacques DeLisle
Making Laws, Breaking Silence: Case Studies from the Field, Rangita de Silva de Alwis
When Law is Complicit in Gender Bias: Ending De Jure Discrimination Against Women as an Important Target of Sustainable Development Goal 5, Rangita de Silva de Alwis
Women’s Human Rights and Migration: Sex-Selective Abortion Laws in the United States and India, Rangita de Silva de Alwis
The Emergence of First-Order Logic, William Ewald
From Equality to Duty: On Altering the Reach, Impact, and Meaning of the Texas Gulf Legacy, Lisa Fairfax
The Securities Law Implications of Financial Illiteracy, Lisa Fairfax
Baby M Turns 30: The Law and Policy of Surrogate Motherhood, Eric A. Feldman
Informed Consent and the Role of the Treating Physician, Eric Feldman, Holly Fernandez Lynch, and Steven Joffe
Consent and Coercion, Kimberly Kessler Ferzan
Defending Honor and Beyond: Reconsidering the Relationship between Seemingly Futile Defense and Permissible Harming, Kimberly Kessler Ferzan
Defense and Desert: When Reasons Don’t Share, Kimberly Kessler Ferzan
Findlay Stark, Culpable Carelessness: Recklessness and Negligence in the Criminal Law, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016, Kimberly Kessler Ferzan
Patty Hearst Reconsidered: Personal Identity in the Criminal Law, Kimberly Kessler Ferzan
Probing the Depths of the Responsible Corporate Officer's Duty, Kimberly Kessler Ferzan
The Means Principle and Optimific Wrongs, Kimberly Kessler Ferzan
Reflections on Crime and Culpability: Problems and Puzzle, Kimberly Kessler Ferzan and Larry Alexander
Planning for Excellence: Insights from an International Review of Regulators' Strategic Plans, Adam M. Finkel, Daniel Walters, and Angus Corbett
The Imperial Presidency and the Rule of Law, Claire Oakes Finkelstein
Sovereignty and the New Executive Authority, Claire Oakes Finkelstein and Michael Skerker
Tales from the Dark Side: Money Market Funds and the Shadow Banking Debate, Jill Fisch
Constructive Ambiguity and Judicial Development of Insider Trading, Jill E. Fisch
Governance by Contract: The Implications for Corporate Bylaws, Jill E. Fisch
The Logic and Limits of Event Studies in Securities Fraud Litigation, Jill E. Fisch, Jonah B. Gelbach, and Jonathan Klick
Is Say on Pay All About Pay? The Impact of Firm Performance, Jill E. Fisch, Darius Palia, and Steven Davidoff Solomon
Making A Complex Investment Problem Simple: Robo Target Date Funds, Jill E. Fisch and John A. Turner
The Practice of Mediation: A Video-Integrated Text, Douglas Frenkel and James H. Stark
Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law (112:1 Am J Int'l L), Jean Galbraith
Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law (112:2 Am J Int'l L), Jean Galbraith
Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law (112:3 Am J Int'l L), Jean Galbraith
Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law (112:4 Am J Int'l L), Jean Galbraith
Two Faces of Foreign Affairs Federalism and What They Mean for Climate Change Mitigation, Jean Galbraith
Washington-Taipei Relations at a Crossroads: Introduction, Lin Gang and Jacques deLisle
Rethinking Judicial Review of High Volume Agency Adjudication, Jonah B. Gelbach and David Marcus
Falling Between The Cracks: Understanding Why States Fail In Protecting Our Children From Crime, Michal Gilad
Judicious Imprisonment, Gregory Jay Hall
Finding the Right Balance in Appraisal Litigation: Deal Price, Deal Process, and Synergies, Lawrence A. Hamermesh and Michael L. Wachter
Sexual Consent and Disability, Jasmine E. Harris
Comparing Ex-Servicemember and Civilian Use of Unemployment Insurance, Paul Heaton, Diana C. Lavery, David Powell, and Jeffrey B. Wenger
Cost-Sharing Reductions, Technocrat Tinkering, and Market-Based Health Policy, Allison K. Hoffman
Discrimination Risks of Alzheimer’s as Support for Social Insurance for Long-Term Care, Allison K. Hoffman
Relational Contracts of Adhesion, David A. Hoffman
Antitrust and the Design of Production, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
Progressive Antitrust, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
Prophylactic Merger Policy, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
Reasonable Patent Exhaustion, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
The Rule of Reason, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
Whatever Did Happen to the Antitrust Movement?, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
Horizontal Mergers, Market Structure, and Burdens of Proof, Herbert J. Hovenkamp and Carl Shapiro
The Law of Property: An Introductory Survey, Herbert Hovenkamp, Sheldon Kurtz, and Thomas Gallanis
Telemarketing, Technology, and the Regulation of Private Speech: First Amendment Lessons from the FCC's TCPA Rules, Gus Hurwitz