Submissions from 2002
The Paradox of Delegation: Interpreting the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Catherine T. Struve
Realspace Sovereigns in Cyberspace: Problems with the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, Catherine T. Struve and R. Polk Wagner
Reconsidering Estoppel: Patent Administration and the Failure of Festo, R. Polk Wagner
Disability, Reciprocity, and 'Real Efficiency': A Unified Approach, Amy L. Wax
The Thirteenth Amendment and Slavery in the Global Economy, Tobias Barrington Wolff
Vertical Integration and Media Regulation in the New Economy, Christopher S. Yoo
Submissions from 2001
Minor Distractions: Children, Privacy and E-Commerce, Anita L. Allen
The Wanted Gaze: Accountability for Interpersonal Conduct at Work, Anita L. Allen
Student and Faculty Perspectives on Black Americas’ Success in the White Academy, Anita Allen and Kevin Maillard
Crime Statistics, Disparate Impact Analysis and the Economic Disenfranchisement of Minority Ex-Offenders, Regina Austin
Mary Joe Frug's Postmodern Feminist Legal Manifesto Ten Years Later: Reflections on the State of Feminism Today·, Regina Austin and Elizabeth M. Schneider
Blood Money, New Money and the Moral Economy of Tort Law in Action, Tom Baker
Givings, Abraham Bell and Gideon Parchomovsky
Takings Reassessed, Abraham Bell and Gideon Parchomovsky
Coercion Without Baselines: Unconstitutional Conditions in Three Dimensions, Mitchell N. Berman
State Accountability for Violations of Intellectual Property Rights: How to "Fix" Florida Prepaid (And How Not To), Mitchell N. Berman
Apprendi's Perverse Effects on Guilty Pleas Under the Guidelines, Stephanos Bibas
Judicial Fact-Finding and Sentence Enhancements in a World of Guilty Pleas, Stephanos Bibas
Two Observations on Holocaust Claims, William W. Bratton
Berle and Means Reconsidered at the Century's Turn, William W. Bratton
Making Progress the Old-Fashioned Way, Stephen B. Burbank
Jurisdictional Equilibration, the Proposed Hague Convention and Progress in National Law, Stephen B. Burbank
Reframing Impunity: Applying Liberal International Law Theory to an Analysis of Amnesty Legislation, William W. Burke-White
Assessing the Advocacy of Negotiated Rulemaking: A Response to Philip Harter, Cary Coglianese
Social Movements, Law, and Society: The Institutionalization of the Environmental Movement, Cary Coglianese
Bolstering Private-Sector Environmental Management, Cary Coglianese and Jennifer Nash
What's So Special About American Law?, William Ewald
With Friends Like These . . .: Toward a More Efficacious Response to Affinity-Based Securities and Investment Fraud, Lisa Fairfax
A Comparative Look at Tobacco Control: The Law, Politics, and Ethics of Smoking in the US and Japan, Eric Feldman
Opaque Recklessness, Kimberly Kessler Ferzan
Introduction to the Symposium on Conflicts of Rights, Claire Oakes Finkelstein
Two Men on a Plank, Claire Oakes Finkelstein
Aggregation, Auctions, and other Developments in the Selection of Lead Counsel Under the PSLRA, Jill E. Fisch
Taking Action Against Auctions: The Third Circuit Task Force Report, Jill E. Fisch
On Trying to Teach Judgment, Douglas Frenkel
On Insider Trading, Markets, and "Negative" Property Rights in Information, Zohar Goshen and Gideon Parchomovsky
Fundamental Principles of Transnational Civil Procedure, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr., Rolf Sturner, Michele Taruffo, and Anthony Gidi
Introduction to the Principles and Rules of Transnational Civil Procedure, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr., Michele Taruffo, Rolf Sturner, and Anthony Gidi
Rules of Transnational Civil Procedure, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr., Michele Taruffo, Rolf Sturner, and Anthony Gidi
Post-Chicago Antitrust: A Review and Critique, Herbert Hovenkamp
Conflicting Rights and the Outbreak of the First World War, Leo Katz
Ethical Screening in Modern Financial Markets: The Conflicting Claims Underlying Socially Responsible Investment, Michael Knoll
Tax Planning, Effective Marginal Tax Rates and the Structure of the Income Tax, Michael Knoll
Federalism and Freedom, Seth F. Kreimer
Technologies of Protest: Insurgent Social Movements and the First Amendment in the Era of the Internet, Seth F. Kreimer
Beyond Powers and Branches in Separation of Powers Law, M. Elizabeth Magill
"A Common Fate of Discrimination": Race-Gender Analogies in Legal and Historical Perspective, Serena Mayeri
On Trademarks, Domain Names, and Internal Auctions, Gideon Parchomovsky
Poverty, Welfare Reform, and the Meaning of Disability, Jennifer Pokempner and Dorothy E. Roberts
Race and Community in Postwar Brooklyn: The Brownsville Neighborhood Council and the Politics of Urban Renewal, Wendell Pritchett
Criminal Justice and Black Families: The Collateral Damage of Over-Enforcement, Dorothy E. Roberts
Kinship Care and the Price of State Support for Children, Dorothy E. Roberts
Crime, Punishment and Prevention, Paul H. Robinson
Punishing Dangerousness: Cloaking Preventive Detention as Criminal Justice, Paul H. Robinson
The Ex Ante Function of the Criminal Law, Paul H. Robinson, John M. Darley, and Kevin M. Carlsmith
Islands of Conscious Power: Law, Norms, and the Self-Governing Corporation, Edward B. Rock and Michael L. Wachter
Norms & Corporate Law: Introduction, Edward B. Rock and Michael L. Wachter
Extrajurisdictional Takings After SWANCC, Kermit Roosevelt and Timothy Bishop
Freedom of Speech and True Threats, Jennifer E. Rothman
Law Enforcement by Stereotypes and Serendipity: Racial Profiling and Stops and Searches Without Cause, David Rudovsky
Lessons From the Limitation on Itemized Deductions, Reed Shuldiner and David Shakow
The International Politics of Harmonization: the Case of Capital Market Regulation, Beth Simmons
Shaming in Corporate Law, David A. Skeel Jr.
The Lawyer as Confidence-Man, David A. Skeel Jr.
What's So Bad About Delaware?, David A. Skeel Jr.
A Reciprocal Welfare Program, Amy L. Wax
Submissions from 2000
Gender and Privacy in Cyberspace, Anita L. Allen
"Bad for Business": Contextual Analysis, Race Discrimination, and Fast Food, Regina Austin
Insuring Morality, Tom Baker
The Integration Game, Abraham Bell and Gideon Parchomovsky
Delaware Law as Applied Public Choice Theory: Bill Cary and the Basic Course After Twenty-Five Years, William W. Bratton
Foreword: Causes and Limits of Pessimism, Stephen B. Burbank
The Bitter with the Sweet: Tradition, History, and Limitations on Federal Judicial Power--A Case Study, Stephen B. Burbank
Protecting the Minority: A Place for Impunity? An Illustrated Survey of Amnesty Legislation, Its Conformity with International Legal Obligations, and Its Potential as a Tool for Minority-Majority Reconciliation, William W. Burke-White
A Liberal Theory of Social Welfare: Fairness, Utility, and the Pareto Principle, Howard F. Chang
Toward a Greener GATT: Environmental Trade Measures and the Shrimp-Turtle Case, Howard F. Chang
Incentives to Settle Under Joint and Several Liability: An Empirical Analysis of Superfund Litigation, Howard F. Chang and Hilary Sigman
The Constitution and the Costs of Clean Air, Cary Coglianese
China's Approach to International Law: A Historical Perspective, Jacques deLisle
The Chinese Puzzle of Taiwan’s Status, Jacques deLisle
Blood Justice: Courts, Conflict, and Compensation in Japan, France, and the US, Eric Feldman
Positivism and the Notion of an Offense, Claire Oakes Finkelstein
The Inefficiency of Mens Rea, Claire Oakes Finkelstein
When the Rule Swallows the Exception, Claire Oakes Finkelstein
Teaching Corporate Governance Through Shareholder Litigation, Jill E. Fisch
The Peculiar Role of the Delaware Courts in the Competition for Corporate Charters, Jill E. Fisch
The Complicated Ingredients of Wisdom and Leadership, Michael A. Fitts
Blasphemy and Religious Liberty in Antebellum America, Sarah Barringer Gordon
Changing Structure in the Practice of Law, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr.
Equality and Affiliation as Bases of Ethical Responsibility, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr.
The Futures Problem, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr.
Competitor Collaboration after California Dental Association, Herbert Hovenkamp
The Monopolization Offense, Herbert Hovenkamp
The Robinson-Patman Act and Competition: Unfinished Business, Herbert Hovenkamp
Knowledge About Welfare: Legal Realism and the Separation of Law and Economics, Herbert J. Hovenkamp
Corporate Finance, Corporate Law and Finance Theory, Peter H. Huang and Michael S. Knoll
Why the Successful Assassin is More Wicked than the Unseccessful One, Leo Katz
Do Dollars Make a Difference?: The Relationship Between Expenditures and Test Scores in Pennsylvania’s Public Schools, Jonathan Klick
Of Fruit and Trees: The Relationship Between Income and Wealth Taxes, Michael Knoll
The Real Separation in Separation of Powers Law, Elizabeth Magill