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This is an Introduction to a Journal of Legal Education symposium on "Disabled Law Students and the Future of Legal Education." The symposium's focal point is a set of first-person essays by disabled lawyers. Writing thirty years after the inclusive promise of the Americans with Disabilities Act, but also amidst powerful evidence (via the pandemic) of the devaluation of people with disabilities, contributors reflect on their experiences in law school and the legal profession. The symposium pairs these essays with commentary from some of the nation’s leading scholars of disability law. The overarching goals of the symposium are to help readers evaluate how well existing legal frameworks have met the needs of disabled law students, lawyers, and legal academics and to point the way towards a more just and inclusive educational experience for all aspiring lawyers.


disability law, legal education, civil rights, legal profession

Publication Title

Journal of Legal Education

Publication Citation

J. Legal Ed. (forthcoming)
