Submissions from 2022
Reflections of an Unapologetic Safety Regulator, Robert S. Adler
Creating an Inclusive Political Order, Guy-Uriel Charles
Reining in Repeat Offenders, Rohit Chopra
Supreme Illegitimacy, Eric W. Orts
Submissions from 2020
Hidden in Plain Sight: Why Regulations Need a Fresh Look, Sally Katzen
The Supreme Court's Doublethink on Arbitration and Administration, Paul R. Verkuil
Submissions from 2019
The Challenge of Equitable Algorithmic Change, Ellen P. Goodman
Silver Linings Shutdown, Paul C. Light
Submissions from 2018
Get Moving with Climate Action, Gina McCarthy
Submissions from 2017
Determining the Social Cost of Carbon, Jonathan Baron
The Public's Role in Administrative Law, Eugene Scalia
Submissions from 2016
Artificial Intelligence and the Administrative State, Mariano-Florentino Cuellar
Improving Higher Education Regulation, Wendell Pritchett
Submissions from 2015
Save the Bureaucrats, Paul R. Verkuil
Submissions from 2014
Why We Need to Measure Regulation, Omar Al-Ubaydli and Patrick McLaughlin
Is It Time to Reconsider Chevron Deference?, Ann R. Klee
Why Have No High-level Executives Been Prosecuted?, Jed S. Rakoff
Submissions from 2013
Whilte House Review of Regulation: Myths and Realities, Cass R. Sunstein
Submissions from 2012
The Regulatory Practitioner, John F. Cooney