PCLAA-CTIC Symposium on Competition Law and Policy
The 2nd PCLAA Annual Symposium: Worldwide Trends in Competition Law and Policy will take place at Penn Carey Law School on April 7th, 2023.
The Symposium is the biggest student-led event related to antitrust and competition. It strives to gather attendees from the Philadelphia community and a wider community of antitrust practitioners and scholars from other parts of the country and the world.
The 2023 Symposium will be held both in-person and online for those who cannot join us in Philadelphia. The 1st PCLAA Annual Symposium: Competition Around the Globe and Beyond, held in 2021,was a huge success, with an attendance of over 200 people and sixteen guest speakers from four continents and seven countries, including practitioners, government enforcers, and professors.