JCL Online

JCL Online is part of the Journal’s larger strategic vision of fostering academic discourse on cutting-edge issues in constitutional law. Volume 14 established JCL Online, originally called Heightened Scrutiny, as the Journal’s online supplement, and Volume 15 was the first edition to be formally published as a companion to our print edition.
Essays published on JCL Online in Volume 16 or earlier may be cited as U. Pa. J. Const. L. Height. Scrutiny. Thereafter, cite to U. Pa. J. Const. L. Online.
Recent Content
Duty to Contract: Free Labor Ideology and Contractual Freedom in the Postbellum South, 1865-1867
Janice Y. Jiang
Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
Josh Salzer
Mikaela Meyer
Ministerial Magic: Tax-Free Housing and Religious Employers
Bridget J. Crawford and Emily Gold Waldman
John Villasenor
Sarah Gerwig-Moore
Claudia E. Haupt
Resolving the Reasonable Belief and Probable Cause Circuit Split Stemming from Payton and Steagald
Steve Ragatzki
Promoting Inclusion Through Exclusion: Higher Education's Assault on the First Amendment
Adam Lamparello
The Voting Rights Act, Questions of Deference & Legislative Facts in a Digital Age
Allison Orr Larsen
Why Chief Justice Roy Moore and the Alabama Supreme Court Just Made the Case For Same-Sex Marriage
Adam Lamparello
Adam Lamparello and Charles E. MacLean
Universities as Constitutional Law Makers (And Other Hidden Actors in Our Constitutional Orders)
Adam J. MacLeod
Elizabeth Weeks Leonard
Mark S. Kende
Decrypting the Fifth Amendment: The Limits of Self-Incrimination in the Digital Era
Vivek Mohan and John Villasenor