
University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law

About This Journal

The University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law is an expansion of the University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business and Employment Law, which has published cutting-edge business and employment scholarship for more than a decade.

Founded in 1997, the Journal publishes articles and comments on a broad range of business law topics including corporate governance, securities regulation, capital market regulation, employment law and the law of mergers and acquisitions.

The Journal of Business Law is published in three standard issues and one symposium issue each year. Please address all correspondence related to the Journal to the attention of the Managing Editor.


Journal of Business Law University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School 3501 Sansom Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-6204 Telephone: (215) 898-9289 Facsimile: (215) 573-2025 Email: JBL@law.upenn.edu