Document Type

Book Chapter

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The emergence of the cloud is heightening the demands on the network in terms of bandwidth, ubiquity, reliability, latency, and route control. Unfortunately, the current architecture was not designed to offer full support for all of these services or to permit money to flow through it. Instead of modifying or adding specific services, the architecture could redesigned to make Internet services contractible by making the relevant information associated with these services both observable and verifiable. Indeed, several on-going research programs are exploring such strategies, including the NSF’s NEBULA, eXpressive Internet Architecture (XIA), ChoiceNet, and the IEEE’s Intercloud projects.


Communications & computer law, e-commerce, government regulation, law & technology, mass media law, telecommunications, regulated industries, cyber-law, contractibility, cloud computing, network architecture, quality of service, congestion management, multicasting, bandwidth, reliability, ubiquity

Publication Title

Regulating the Cloud: Policy for Computing Infrastructure

Publication Citation

In Regulating the Cloud: Policy for Computing Infrastructure (Christopher S. Yoo & Jean-François Blanchette eds. 2015).
