Submissions from 2023
Does Cash Bail Deter Misconduct?, Aurelie Ouss and Megan Stevenson
Submissions from 2022
Police Frisks, David S. Abrams, Hanming Fang, and Priyanka Goonetilleke
Human and machine similarity judgments in forensic firearm comparisons, Maria Cuellar, Cleotilde Gonzalez, and Itiel E. Dror
A probabilistic formalization of contextual bias in forensic analysis: Evidence that examiner bias leads to systemic bias in the criminal justice system, Maria Cuellar, Jacqueline Mauro, and Amanda Luby
Reform We Can Agree on: Public Opinion on Prosecutorial Liability, Rachel Leigh Greenspan, Ross Miller, and Paul Heaton
Qualifying Prosecutorial Immunity Through Brady Claims, Paul Heaton, Brian M. Murray, and Jon B. Gould
The defense lawyer’s plea recommendation: Disentangling the influences of perceived guilt and probability of conviction., Johanna Hellgren and Saul M. Kassin
Decarceration's Inside Partners, Seema Saifee
Submissions from 2021
The role of officer race and gender in police-civilian interactions in Chicago, Bocar A. Ba, Dean Knox, Jonathan Mummolo, and Roman G. Rivera
The ineffectiveness of ‘observe and report’ patrols on crime, Marco Fabbri and Jonathan Klick
Enhanced Public Defense Improves Pretrial Outcomes and Reduces Racial Disparities, Paul S. Heaton
Exposing Police Misconduct in Pre-Trial Criminal Proceedings, Anjelica Hendricks
A Formulaic Recitation Will Not Do: Why the Federal Rules Demand More Detail in Criminal Pleading, Charles Eric Hintz
Fair Questions: A Call and Proposal for Using General Verdicts with Special Interrogatories to Prevent Biased and Unjust Convictions, Charles Eric Hintz
“In your own words, how certain are you?” Post-identification feedback distorts verbal and numeric expressions of eyewitness confidence, Jillian M. Kenchel, Rachel Leigh Greenspan, Daniel Reisberg, and Chad S. Dodson
Sustaining Lawyers, Seema Saifee
Submissions from 2020
COVID and Crime: An Early Empirical Look, David S. Abrams
Expanding Therapeutic Jurisprudence Across the Federal Judiciary, Benjamin A. Barsky, Heather Ellis Cucolo, and Dominic A. Sisti
Eyewitness Confidence Malleability: Misinformation as Post-Identification Feedback, Rachel Leigh Greenspan and Elizabeth F. Loftus
The Expansive Reach of Pretrial Detention, Paul Heaton
Public beliefs about the accuracy and importance of forensic evidence in the United States, Jacob Kaplan, Shichun Ling, and Maria Cuellar
Effect of scaling back punishment on racial and ethnic disparities in criminal case outcomes, John M. MacDonald and Steven Raphael
Implementing blind proficiency testing in forensic laboratories: Motivation, obstacles, and recommendations, Robin Mejia, Maria Cuellar, and Jeff Salyards
Misaligned incentives and the scale of incarceration in the United States, Aurelie Ouss
Disparities in Police Award Nominations: Evidence from Chicago, Nayoung Rim, Bocar A. Ba, and Roman G. Rivera
Boots and Bail on the Ground: Assessing the Implementation of Misdemeanor Bail Reforms in Georgia, Andrea Woods, Sandra G. Mayson, Lauren Sudeall, Guthrie Armstrong, and Anthony Potts
Submissions from 2019
The Effects of Holistic Defense on Criminal Justice Outcomes, James Anderson, Maya Buenaventura, and Paul Heaton
Applying Sentinel Event Reviews to Policing, John Hollway and Ben Grunwald
Submissions from 2018
Racialized legal status as a social determinant of health, Asad L. Asad and Matthew Clair
Does filler database size influence identification accuracy?, Amanda N. Bergold and Paul Heaton
Citywide cluster randomized trial to restore blighted vacant land and its effects on violence, crime, and fear, Charles C. Branas, Eugenia South, Michelle C. Kondo, Bernadette C. Hohl, Philippe Bourgois, Douglas J. Wiebe, and John MacDonald
(Choice) Blind Justice: Legal Implications of the Choice Blindness Phenomenon, Kevin J. Cochran, Rachel Leigh Greenspan, Daniel F. Bogart, and Elizabeth F. Loftus
Measuring Self-Reported Wrongful Convictions Among Prisoners, Charles E. Loeffler, Jordan Hyatt, and Greg Ridgeway
Dangerous Defendants, Sandra G. Mayson
Unstitching Scarlet Letters?: Prosecutorial Discretion and Expungement, Brian M. Murray
Terry Stops and Frisks: The Troubling Use of Common Sense in a World of Empirical Data, David Rudovsky and David A. Harris
Assessing Risk Assessment in Action, Megan Stevenson
Distortion of Justice: How the Inability to Pay Bail Affects Case Outcomes, Megan Stevenson
The Scale of Misdemeanor Justice, Megan T. Stevenson and Sandra G. Mayson
Jurors' Subjective Experiences of Deliberations in Criminal Cases, Alix S. Winter and Matthew Clair
Submissions from 2017
Rationing Criminal Justice, Richard A. Bierschbach and Stephanos Bibas
Henderson Instructions: Do They Enhance Evidence Evaluation?, Marlee Kind Dillon, Angela M. Jones, Amanda N. Bergold, Cora Y. T. Hui, and Steven D. Penrod
The Downstream Consequences of Misdemeanor Pretrial Detention, Paul Heaton, Sandra G. Mayson, and Megan Stevenson
Root Cause Analysis: A Tool to Promote Officer Safety and Reduce Officer Involved Shootings Over Time, John Hollway, Calvin Lee, and Sean Smoot
Comparing the effectiveness of Henderson instructions and expert testimony: Which safeguard improves jurors’ evaluations of eyewitness evidence?, Angela M. Jones, Amanda N. Bergold, Marlee Kind Dillon, and Steven D. Penrod
Using Root Cause Analysis To Study Prosecutorial Error: A Collaboration Between The Montgomery County (Pennsylvania) District Attorney’s Office And The Quattrone Center For the Fair Administration of Justice, Steven E. Raper, Lee A. Fleisher, David L. Mayer, Risa V. Ferman, Eric H. Steele, Kevin Steele, and John Hollway
Breaking Bad: Mechanisms of Social Influence and the Path to Criminality in Juvenile Jails, Megan Stevenson
Pretrial Detention and Bail, Megan Stevenson and Sandra G. Mayson
Submissions from 2016
Designing Plea Bargaining from the Ground Up: Accuracy and Fairness Without Trials as Backstops, Stephanos Bibas
The Short- and Long-Run Effects of Private Law Enforcement: Evidence from University Police, Paul Heaton, Priscillia Hunt, John M. MacDonald, and Jessica Saunders
Can a Criminal Justice Alcohol Abstention Programme with Swift, Certain, and Modest Sanctions (24/7 Sobriety) Reduce Population Mortality? A Retrospective Observational Study, Paul Heaton, Nancy Nicosia, and Beau Kilmer
Prejudice and terror management at trial: Effects of defendant race/ethnicity and mortality salience on mock-jurors’ verdict judgments, Michael R. Leippe, Amanda N. Bergold, and Donna Eisenstadt
Reducing False Guilty Pleas and Wrongful Convictions Through Exoneree Compensation, Murat C. Mungan and Jonathan Klick
A New Era for Expungement Law Reform? Recent Developments at the State and Federal Levels, Brian M. Murray
Submissions from 2015
Collateral Consequences and the Preventive State, Sandra G. Mayson
Submissions from 2014
The Law and Economics of Stop-and-Frisk, David S. Abrams