The Tydings-McDuffie Act was enacted in 1934 to establish a designated path for the Philippines, then an American colony, to become independent after a ten-year transition period. This article looks into the macro-environment of the Asia-Pacific region in the 1930s regarding the impact of the Soviet Union, the Republic of China, the Shōwa empire of Japan, and its puppet state “Manchukuo” in China, embedded within the innumerable socio-political and economic conflicts between the U.S. and the Philippines. The Tydings-McDuffie Act is critically examined to assess its underlying decolonizing plot of the political and economic relationship between the U.S. and the Philippines in the early twentieth century.
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Repository Citation
Hoi-Chun Hung,
Deconstructing the Decolonizing Plot of the Tydings-McDuffie Act: A Review of America's International Relations in Asia in the Early Twentieth Century,
U. Pa. Asian L. Rev.
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