Moore on the Mind

Stephen J. Morse, University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School

In Legal, Moral, and Metaphysical Truths: The Philosophy of Michael S. Moore (Kimberly Ferzan & Stephen J. Morse eds., Oxford U.P. forthcoming)


In revised form, this chapter will be published in a volume, Legal, Moral, and Metaphysical Truths: The Philosophy of Michael S. Moore, a festschrift for Michael Moore edited by Professor Kimberly Ferzan and me for Oxford University Press. The chapter first addresses a particular approach to foundational metaphysical issues in the philosophy of mind, action and responsibility that I term “Spockian solutions,” which are home remedies modeled on those found in the baby and child care book of famed pediatrician, the late Dr. Benjamin Spock. It then engages with Moore’s work on a variety of topics concerning action and the mind about which he has contributed so much. These include the act requirement, whether legal insanity is a status excuse, the need for a control test for fair criminal responsibility ascription, and the potential contribution of neuroscience to criminal law. Despite the enormous agreement between us on most issues, this homage to Moore allows me to extend our dialogue.